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Posts posted by alexj7

  1. I am using v3.0.


    Note that the Destination disappears (by design) when you arrive at 25 nm from your destination airport

    I think this is key. I check my destination airport and gate once I land and taxi off the runway. I didn't realize the destination airport is supposed to clear. Is there a need to clear it? You could still allow the user to override it with a different destination airport. I find it just a little confusing to have it clear automatically (now that I know it's fine, just thinking of new users). Are you clearing the gate as well - because I believe that has been disappearing too. I'll verify more this week.

    Regardless of the destination airport field, if you make that edit for v3.1 as described that should fix my issue. Thanks.

  2. I've been having the same issues with the user destination for a long time now. I've confirmed the issues still exist on v3.0.0. I had these issues with PSXT but they were mostly resolved in PSXT.


    1) I always enter the destination airport on the ground before I depart. Every time it disappears on its own before I reach the destination. This has happened to me pretty much every time I can remember for over a year. I do tend to set up PSX before my flight fully loads in MSFS (while waiting on the long load times).

    2) Last night I realized my destination disappeared when I was about 10 miles out, at that point it wouldn't let me enter a destination. I don't understand why you need to block the destination if you are already there. The reason for adding a destination while already there is so I can specify a gate.

    3) Without the destination airport set, I can't enter a gate number. In PSXT you could at least set the gate without a destination airport set, and it would assume the airport you are at. This isn't possible anymore.

  3. I've been using the destination airport and gate feature to make sure my arrival gate is open. There are a few things that could be improved, imo. For reference, I am using MSFS.

    1) It is hard to tell if this actually is working, many times the gate is occupied. I realize the gate has to match *exactly*. It'd be nice if there was a confirmation that a matching gate was found or not.

    2) The destination airport and gate always disappear for me after a bit. I'm not sure exactly when, but the fields definitely are clearing themselves every time. Makes it hard to realize if it is working. I make sure to hit enter after typing in the values so it "takes".

    3) If I already landed and want to clear a different gate, it appears impossible since you can no longer set destination once you've arrived there.


  4. 12 hours ago, kiek said:

    Do you know if VATSIM traffic controls the Jetway? 

    Not sure. FWIW, I tried myself and was unable to get any of the services to work on anything besides the user object.

    The only way I know to get the services to work for other planes is to hand over all control to the AI engine.

    I even tried creating a parked ATC plane and doing it that way, but it won't let you. It seems like it has to be an AI plane with a route and the AI engine will toggle the gate services as part of the pre-taxi. I can't think of even a decent workaround to that. It needs to be fixed on Asobo's end.

  5. On 6/24/2022 at 5:06 AM, kiek said:

    To my knowledge there is no SimConnect call for a jetway. But maybe in the SDK. I'll check.

    There is a sim connect event for that using SimConnect_TransmitClientEvent. There are a bunch of gate services. But I have only tested this on the user object, not other sim objects.


  6. I'm enjoying PSXT + RealTraffic immensely. I have a simple feature suggestion for PSXT. I would like to see the ability to adjust (or just eliminate) the traffic delay. I understand there is an intentional delay to allow vectoring of aircraft in a smoother manner. This is a nice feature, but sometimes the position data is accurate enough that I feel the raw data can be inserted right into the sim.

    The reason for this is I like to follow on LiveATC, and there is a 45 second delay. I realize I can delay the stream, but that doesn't help when the aircraft changes frequency to tower, departure, center, etc - you'll end up missing the 45s on the new radio stream.

    Obviously I can't see the code for PSXT, but I feel like this probably isn't too hard of a feature to implement.

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