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Posts posted by cph1018

  1. Hello Folks,

    I apologize if this isn't the right place for this post, I haven't been able to find a forum dedicated to questions like this and I hoped maybe the users on this thread may have the info I'm looking for. I am hunting for a decent CRJ-700/900 with good repaints to use in FSX;SE and from what I've seen it looks like Aerosoft's CRJ package is about as good as one can find, but I cannot find the package for sale anywhere! I've been hunting around but there doesn't seem to be any vendors selling aerosoft's crj pack, it's like at some point a few years ago it just vanished from the internet. The only place I have found an Aerosoft CRJ kit for sale was RealFlightShop, which has been called into question before so I am a little wary of buying through them. My question for the forum:

    Does anyone know of a place I can safely purchase the Aerosoft CRJ-700/900 kit for FSX Steam?

    Or, does anyone have sufficient experience with RealFlightShop to recommend them as a safe vendor for flight sim addons?

    Thanks everyone


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