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Posts posted by TWdV


    Crazy co pilot

    The last update was an improvement. Simbrief works, I can program and change the CDU (even with voice). Unfortunately the program still does not work for me.
    E.g. asking to set the fuel pumps results in setting all pumps except 1 and 2.
    Sometimes the copilot starts doing a lot of things I did not ask for, he (she) keeps talking, sometimes with more than one voice and calls his name...... My screen changes from full screen to windowed (alt - Enter??) And so on.
    Than I came across a thread called: "Crazy co pilot" and that just describes the problems I experience. Can you guys think of a possible cause en maybe also a solution? The way it is now does not work for me.

    Also, the integration with PF3 is far from smooth, but that can ofcource also be caused by PF3.
    Tj. de Vries

    MCE latest version
    FBW A32neo version

    I use a headset so the copilot does not react to himself


  2. Hello Gerald,

    Thanks for your response. Things are working much better now, but there are still things missing.

    I could now make a flow to program the MCDU, but e.g. ".press select init" does not work and the FO also gives no response. (have not tested them all)

    Also In the ECAM settings not all functions work.

    Can this be caused by the fact that this "Simco64_Ldr.exe" file is for the Fenix A320 and will this be solved in the FlyByWire specific version?  see log:


    Logging started
    Simco64_Ldr loading
    Created Simconnect session
    CreatedSimconnect data definitions
    Mapped Simconnect Events
    About to enter main loop
    checking for Fenix A320
    Connected to MSFS
    Config data requested...
    Config data updates requested.
    Hvars received
    Hvars received
    Lvars received
    Lvars received
    Lvars received
    Lvars received
    Lvars received
    Lvars received
    Lvars received
    Lvars received
    Lvars received
    Lvars received
    Lvars received

    Another thing I like to mention.

    While trying to make the CDU flow it was not possible to use the same command twice. So I had to use the text file for that. Perhaps its a suggestion to make it possible to ignore the warning.

    T.de Vries

  3. Hello, since a few days I have MCE for the FBW A320, but are still struggling to get things to work.

    After installing MCE part of my hardware FCU functions no longer work. This is due to the "fsuipc-lvar-module" MCE uses. There are 000 Lvars and 000 Hvars loaded.

    After replacing the module with the one installed with Fsuipc7, the Lvars and Hvars were loaded again and all functions were OK. (I tested many functions through the "activate Hvar... and they all work fine)
    But now MCE does not load its Lvars and Hvars and many things do not function, or in a weird manner. This is part of the Simco64_Ldr.log:

    Logging started
    Simco64_Ldr loading
    Created Simconnect session
    CreatedSimconnect data definitions
    Mapped Simconnect Events
    About to enter main loop
    Connected to MSFS
    Config data requested...
    Config data requested...
    SIMCONNECT_RECV_ID_CLIENT_DATA .................................................

           ....  more than 3600 lines the same........

    server wasm module not responding. Trying again
    Leaving main loop
    Closing Simconnect session
    Simco64_Ldr unloading

    Question: What can I do to get both working properly?

    2 With MCE own installed "fsuipc-lvar-module"
    Now the Lvars and Hvars are there. See log:

    Logging started
    Simco64_Ldr loading
    Created Simconnect session
    CreatedSimconnect data definitions
    Mapped Simconnect Events
    About to enter main loop
    Connected to MSFS
    Config data requested...
    Config data updates requested.
    Hvars received
    Hvars received
    Lvars received
    Lvars received
    Lvars received
    Lvars received
    Lvars received
    Lvars received
    Lvars received
    Lvars received
    Lvars received
    Lvars received
    Lvars received
    Looking for FlybyWire Specific lvars
    Retrieved all relevant FlyByWire Lvars
    Retrieved all relevant FlyByWire Hvars

    Many of the functions work OK now, but there are a lot that don't.
    I try to test these functions through "Voxscript" edit.

    None of the ECAM functions work. Example FO respons:"ECAM  bleed air pressed", but nothing happens.
    I would like to make a flow to program the MCDU. The functions are there, but none works.

    Question: How can I get e.g. the MCDU buttons to work. (and also the others)?

    3 Simbrief flightplan:
    MCE keeps saying: Waiting for Simbrief data"  In the Documents MCE folder I have:

    Question 3: How can I get the flightplan in MCE? (Not the most important issue)

    Hope you can help me out.
    T. de Vries


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