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Posts posted by JMichel33

  1. My key is no longer recognized!! Buying from your site is very painful really! Nothing ever works properly with your system! Please send me my key!!
    What are you waiting for to put your products on x-plane.org ???? Monthly ordering is easy and just as secure
    When would you like thinking modernly to your customers ?????

  2. If I had had this information I wouldn't have bought the GTN750 plugin from XP Reality !!!
    This is a deception ! 
    Commercial politic from Garmin is in an other Century
    It's impossible using charts from Navigraph in the real life !!!
    What's so hard to understand ?
    All the financial logics generate problems....
    Latest news about Boeing which is no longer an engineering company, but has become financial company : it is the real reason I am afraid to flighting in 737MAX... no more !
    And the next time i have to choose a GPS, it will be not a  GARMIN, and so during all my life
    The real boss in all companies is the client
    Fly Safe 

  3. Garmin products are the best for aeronautics
    But how it is sold for X-Plane12 is AWFUL
    I am going to write at Garmin Inc. 
    We are in 2024 not in 19th century.... and i am 69 years old... I would like spend my time with aircrafts and aeronautics.... no losting time for informatic !!

    I don't want spend more time to understand how installing a GTN750 in the compatible aircrafts on X-Plane12
    I spend 3 hours to understand a prehistoric method to download, in fact I have paid twice
    At one moment, installation procedure stop because my folder F:\X-Plane12\X-Plane 12 "is not a valid X-Plane 9 folder !!!
    => Make sure to choose the folder where X-Plane.exe version 9 is located"
    => if you want the screenshot : i have it
    So one more time : new installation...
    After a moment : Great, there is an application "Garmin Aviation Trainers" ... yes.... but what ?

    Is it too much complicated for the developpers to understand we would like install easier GTN750 in a plane !! And it would easy to do it !!!
    All then manual is for understand Garmin system... Good... 
    But where I can found the method to install that in the aircrafts ????
    (It's exist an easy method for G500 for instance about Mitsubishi M2 !! => no problem with this plugin : in 5 minutes it's working very well)

    These aircrafts are compatible in XP12
    Aerobask Lancair / ViperJet / DR401
    AirFoilLabs : C172NG / King Air 350
    vFlyteAir : Piper PA28R Arrow III G5 & E1000 

    My question is very simple : how install GTN 750 in these aircrafts and working good  ?????????


  4. @IFRking

    I think really that you're not knowing that you're, saying !
    Just for your information i was on MSFS since almost the beginning more than 25 years and I have switched on X-Plane12 since octobre 2023
    The only thing I regret that I've not done earlier 
    Almost all the aircrafts are best in X-Plane11 & X-Plane12
    If you would libe be honnest compare PMDG B737 (70$) with the Zibo B737-800X (freeware), FenixA320 with ToLiss A320 Neo
    I have the Hot Start Challenger 650... No comparaison is possible ! Idem with Citation 560 
    etc.. etc..
    A friend of mine on YouTube has compared A300 MSFS and A300 XPlane-12 from iniBuilds... All is best on X-Plane12 
    If you like a game, if you like Googlemap photoshoped stay on MSFS or XBox.. It's for you
    If you like aircrafts and aeronautics, X-Plane12 
    No doubt 

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