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Round the World Challenge - Part 4 - ASIA

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------------------------------------------------------Aeromachines:UAAA-UAAH___baton:_ 4:33 PM EDT___pirep: 6:57 PM EDT------------------------------------------------------I don't see this post. Where is it? Aeromachines' first post in this thread is after mine. His last post in the previous thread is:------------------------------------------------------Aeromachines Member since May-14-0269 posts Jul-20-02, 03:16 AM (EDT) 29. "RE: Round the World Challenge - Part Three"In response to message #0 Just so NO ONE misses it: Down on the ground at OMAA at 03:01 EDT on the 20th of July. Take over please...Lowell M. Wiley------------------------------------------------------

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Well, I will be *glad* to pick it up again -- someone let me know if I have it!!

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Okay, here's what I'll do (and God help me if this causes *more* confusion :>).Since Aero flew back to where I started, it's only fair I fly back to where I went. If that makes sense. And if it turns out null, well, that's okay too -- this time I'll be flying in the daytime (that is, the daytime on the other side of the world) and I'd like to see what I missed at night.So... unless I hear otherwise in the next ten minutes, I'm going to fly from UAAH to UAAA -- this time a pretty well defined flight plan -- in my Baron again. Assuming the same conditions (and that may not be true -- I haven't checked the Real World Weather in MSMeteo yet) I should be down in about two hours.

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Pirep:Well I can tell already there is confusion in the ranks. But I'll give this report, then read. ha.Departed ZMAH at: 10:40 EDTETA now for ZMBU is 00:30 EDTWill read now for the problem. More later. No screenshot till on the ground at ZMBU.LowellAddendum: Well, now I can see I have no idea who has what or where it is or ought to be. But since I am emailing from over the Gobi desert or somsewhere--I'll go on to the destination and give up either the right, or the wrong baton. Ha.LowellOn the ground at :0035 The Baton is passed. Make sure it is a good one before you depart; read all the messages for the last couple of hours. Ha. Happy flying, and keep Em Flying.

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Okay, I'm passing whatever baton I might have as well, at UAAA. Here's the full report (and I'd await official ruling from Tony before anyone goes any further):I arrive at Almaty, Kazakstan in the Baron with a decidedly dejected Gregory. (for details, see http://support.discreet.com/webboard/wbpx.dll/%7Emax )His gloom turns to downright melancholy as we pull into the airport and see how many military personnel there are. I was not aware that UAAA was a controlled airport, and our unscheduled stop has gotten them dangerously excited.Oddly enough, Gregory seems to come alive then. He speaks very rapidly to some officious looking individual, which seems to satisfy him. The man storms away as if on a great mission. ?I told them you were a very important American,? Gregory explains to me. ?I said you were Humphrey Bogart?s personal pilot.?There are so many things wrong with this I can?t even begin to correct him. I just gaze upon him with what probably is such complete disgust that he gains a hurt puppy-dog look and, turning his head down mutters under his breath ?We watch a lot of old American movies here. ?Casablanca?, that?s the greatest.?In short order I am permitted to take off again, with great ceremony and many expressions which Gregory says are wishes for me to come again, and bring Rick with me. This last I can get no further explanation for, since Gregory does not accompany me back to UAAH. He says he will seek some other transport over the border, and hopes I will be able to navigate back without his help.I assure him that will be possible ? since he was worthless as a navigator anyway. The flight back is uneventful, but as I arrive in Balkhash, Kazakhstan I find I am greeted with as much enthusiasm as my departure in UAAA.There a man named Ivan tells me that I have just missed my comrade, but that the baton is now back at UAAH. I must look incredulous at him, for he assures me over and over again this is true, that the last leg came right back here and it is now awaiting another pilot. Except there is no other pilot. Except for me.My silence at this information is only broken by a group of Kazakhstan guards who are huddled near the tower smoking cigarettes and laughing, I am sure, at the crazy pilots who are flying this around the world race. I decide and go, only because I don?t want to hear them laughing anymore.Ivan offers to come along with me, to interpret, and I decide that if I have to land again at UAAA it might be a good idea to have someone along who can tell them there I am not from Hollywood. We fly in good weather, averaging about 195 knots, so we make terrific time, much better than I made wandering around in the dark with Gregory. (We do the whole trip in a little over 1 hour, leaving at 6:58 am and arriving 8:01am local time). Of course, this is the third time I?ve flown this route, and I wonder if this is what it?s like to be a pilot on a regular schedule. I decide I would not like it much at all.Back at UAAH there is more uproar ? it seems Gregory bolted for the hills as soon as no one was looking, and now there is a general manhunt. All is forgiven insofar as I am concerned, since most of the people there are convinced I?ve brought back ?Rick? with me. They keep asking him to ?play it again? which seems bizarre to me, but then again, so does this entire journey.Shot of me arriving, once again, in UAAA-- Almaty, Kazakstan

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Guest Jim

I'll take the baton from UAAA to ZMBSJim

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With immediate effect: Once in possession of the baton, pilots are no longer eligible to post new messages to this forum until arrival at the destination airport. (editing existing posts is acceptable) Upon arrival the incoming pilot must post a single Location Post (including both PIREP and screenshot) and furthermore must clearly label that post with the name of the destination. Where there is a desire to add further detail to the account, these notes should be edited into the original Location Post using the Edit button found at the bottom of each post. ;-) Where these guidelines are not followed, and where confusion is caused, the umpire may at his discretion deem a Location Post invalid and require that the pilot resubmit a valid PIREP within the timeframe of the 3hr rule.

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Hi All,Looks like I have missed a lot of excitement since I have been gone. After carefully reading through everything a couple of dozen times, here's what I figured out...The baton was last left by Aeromachines at 6:57 PM EDT at UAAH as decided by scabbo. At 11:48 PM EDT, the baton was picked up by kellym and he was on his way back to UAAA, which he arrived at 1:44 AM EDT. Jim currently has the baton as of 2:53 AM EDT, he departed UAAA and en route to ZMBS, but we shall see where he ends up. enave, Aeromachines 'baton' post was actually in the 'other' thread that was started today. link is here:http://ftp.avsim.com/cgi-bin/dcforum/dcboa...rumID8&archive=It was a bit of a confusing day, but we are still making progress. Hope you all stay around for some more legs, it's getting more exciting minute by minute.emergency_pants, it wasn't me on the multi, but I'm sure it was a lot of fun and will try to catch you again in the future. As a matter of fact, maybe we could all get more involved in the multiplay and try flying the last leg together or something.Keep up the great flights & pireps. No worries anyone, we are making progress and we'll be in San Diego in no time at all!As for me, I'm gonna try to "get a leg up" tonite, been so busy makin' the maps and keepin up with this, I forgot to fly! It's all good, what a great experience!!! New maps will be up with the next thread.-------------MichaelHappy Trails......

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this is becoming one big mess. Tooo bad really.

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You know, I guess it all depends how you look at it.If this challenge is seen for what it is, an opportunity to learn, then it couldnt be any better than what it is. Look at the skills being gained, teamwork, map-building, weather planning, long distance route planning, decision making under the pressure of the clock.As with all talented professionals, seeing that you're in a mess does not take any skill, seeing how to get out of it separates the men from the boys, so there's the gauntlet, come help them out. ;-)Some of the detours and mistakes made here on the thread have helped everyone see the importance of each of the above. The experiences will be very handy, when the AVSIM team take on the Flightsim.com team in a Race around the Globe, and will lead to a very professional standard of preparation and team spirit. :-cool

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Hi,I'll take it form here and go to ZMBN.Took off 20min ago but initially couldn't start the engines of the Cessna 421C. No suprisingly at a hight of 4.000ft. After some heavy leaning, the engines roared.Now leveled off at FL200. Doing a 250kts GS and ETA ZMBN - Bulgan Mongolia is in 1h45mNice mountainous area here BTW.See you all in ZMBN

Location: Vleuten, The Netherlands, 17.3dme SPL 108.40
System: AMD 7800X3D - X670 Mobo - RTX 4090 - 32GB 6000MHz DDR5 - Corsair RM1000x PSU - 2 x 2TB SSD - 32" 1440p Display - Windows 11

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Tornado, thanks for the additional rule. I'll be sure to edit it into the ruleset at the start of the next post (which I'll do as soon as the current pilot lands).Everyone, those of you who are seeing this as a great lot of confusion - I really wouldn't worry about it or see it as some kind of failure.Here's ALL that happened. One fellow accidentally took the baton while it was already in-flight. Two other fellows followed on with the invalid flight, while OTHER fellows carried on with the "real" flight. All we had to do was disqualify the invalid flights.The baton is currently (validly) held by Egbert. The invalid baton is no more (because everyone now has read all the posts).I think if everyone is careful about reading every post, and is careful to read threads before they post, and is careful to check the board after they claim the baton (to be sure they have it), we'll do fine!The flight continues. The western hemisphere approaches!!!--Tony

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Hi,Landed at ZMBN - Bulgan Mongolia.The baton is for you to pick up.Picture is posted shortly.Success,Egberthttp://www.scandva.org/upload/zmbn.jpg

Location: Vleuten, The Netherlands, 17.3dme SPL 108.40
System: AMD 7800X3D - X670 Mobo - RTX 4090 - 32GB 6000MHz DDR5 - Corsair RM1000x PSU - 2 x 2TB SSD - 32" 1440p Display - Windows 11

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More to follow shortly....if I have it ?.....and it looks like I do. I dusted off "Connie" and filled up the galley - check the terminal area and found there was noone waiting for a free ride tonite so guess I'll press on eastward for a couple of hours. I'm shooting for Taiping tonite if the winds are favorable for me. Once I'm airborne and settled in I'll provide more updates.......Well, we're at cruise altitude (FL210) with a hdg 101. Luck is with us (no - not Joy Luck) .... slight tail wind (097 @ 7) so unless one of the engines developes a cough, should arrive ZYHB just before midnight (local time). John VanAAL700 (on line tonite)

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