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Any Circuit diagram for Seven Segment display that can

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Hi Guys, I metioned on other forum few months ago about seven segment digit display. I am looking for anyone who know or has experience going through build up circuit and have seven segment digit display to work with EPIC instead of purchasing another board which I already have. You see, My cockpit needs about 42 display to operate like real life situation, and the board manufactured by EPIC can only get it operate up to 32, Like wise I would need 10 more display to operate. And I did not want to purchase another board. instead of build up up to 10 displays. So any idea about circuit diagram, or refer to your experience if you have? Let me know.

Guest MikePowell

Hi, Arthur,Have you seen what Dirk Anderseck is doing with PIC micro controllers over at www.fsbus.de ?Mikewww.mikesflightdeck.comInfo for simpit builders


Hi ArthurIts also possible to use MAX7219 direct from the parallel port. With 8 data pins available, you get 64 segments per device, 8 devices per pin, so lets see, thats 8 * 8 * 64 = 4096 idividual leds, or 64 7 segs plus some extra.I'm doing this right now, works very well, and no EPIC needed. Cheap too, about $7 for the MAX7219 plus the cost of 7-segs.Dave

Guest MikePowell

Dave,What software are you using to interface to FS, and to talk with the parallel port?Mikewww.mikesflightdeck.comInfo for simpit builders


Mike, Thank you for this wonderful webpage... I took look at it and it seem to be the perfect webpage in which, that way I could collect all information about build up circuits. Thanks again.Dave, About MAX, sound good. But would I need PIC, or any such microcontroller to operate with seven segment displays? would it work with peter dowson's vxd?? for my cockpit, I would want it to display same number once FS2002 indicate such as COMM Frequency, say will that chip work?


MikeI'm using some classes I wrote to abstract the parallel port, basically you represent a pin on the port as a logical serial device, and just give it a bunch of "digits" that know how to render themselves over the serial link - if you want the class binaries I'll email you them to play with. For talking to FS, I'm using FSUIPC, again i have a class that abstracts an offset. Then just some real basic glue code that periodically reads from FS and updates the display.In the future though, I will link the classes for writing the port direct to the rotary encoders (faster update cycles), and then periodically write to FS the value that the display controller has. I have this functioning now, but the code is ugly!!! The end state is that everything will be modular and linked to a work-flow framework (which I have built already). You can then swap bits in and out. (Its written in VB6)Very cheap, very fast, and works like a charm!!RegardsDave


Hi Arthur,you dont need a PIC - basically the software makes a pin on the parallel port behave like a serial device that is compatible with the MAX serial input port. The classes that talk to the MAX dont talk to FS, but I have other classes that do exactly that. They extract the value from the offset, apply a "adjuster" (so that we can turn the FS values into, say, degrees) and then pass the data to the classes that talk to the MAX. For driving the MAX, you need a parallel port device driver, I'm using tvichw32.zip (do a google for it). The classes then make calls to this device driver to send the serial data. Works very well.Dave

Guest MikePowell

Thanks, Dave.Sounds like a nice approach; cheap and fast. I'm working with PIC's and serial interfaces right now, but it's nice to know there are still other options. (Haven't got the patience currently to invest the time in learning USB.)Mikewww.mikesflightdeck.com


Hi Dave, Really, I could get those digit working with parellel port using Max chips? Why wasn't I told?!?! That would have saved me some money instead have to spend on EPIC. Now I am duly noted and would get to use it for my next project when I am ready to start working on interfaced circuit with MAX's IC chips (More likely it will be Dornier 328, DASH 8, SABB 240 and such other propeller commute aircraft) Any wau would a such command program get those digit to function in my desire method be a free downloadable? where can I find those through webpage? How will I start learning about those program. Actually I am somewhat proficent into connecting up digits with IC or such other components, the problem is I m some what "stupid" into programming except for EPIC. Share some details regarding to your experience, or your advices.P.S. Where can I find webpage for MAX chips, I think I am ready to order one of those.


Arthur,Web page for MAX - take a look at www.digi-key.com and do a search for MAX7219, you'll find a data sheet for the IC there.Once I have the software working satisfactorily, I'll upload the binaries for sure. I have the classes working fine, if you want a beta set drop me an email and I'll send them by return. You'll need to know VB, or some language capable of calling into a COM component.Dave


Hi Dave, Thank you for the reference for MAX Chips, it was truly appreciated by me.First of all, I assure it'd be much easy for me to attach wire circuity of MAX7219. This is the least fear I ever experienced. I have all knowledge with digital chips and I am somewhat proficent into electronics.But the least knowledge I have is doing the with Visual Basic. This is my most fear of doing it, It sure gives me few headaches if I am unable to know how to use it. Well, What I am saying is... I have no problem typing in those commands as I did to EPIC, I have no Problem understanding BCD system. The only problem I have is I am not aware how to start creating program, I don't have that kind of knowledge in the values or parameters based on flight simulator 2002's requirements. So, if you be so kind to try to help me out by bring up advices, or any kind of recommend for me to be able start learning how to use Visual Basic, I would be so much obliaged to start inputing those VB details in my brain. What reference would you recommend me to start off learning how to use Visual Basic at home? I would be obligated for that, I would be rolling up my sleves and have moviation for this. Anyway, You can send the Beta set to me at [email protected]. Once again, Thank you for all of those wonderful, information you shared with me...


Thank you for the reference for MAX Chips, it was truly appreciated by me.First of all, I assure it'd be much easy for me to attach wire circuity of MAX7219. This is the least fear I ever experienced. I have all knowledge with digital chips and I am somewhat proficent into electronics.But the least knowledge I have is doing the with Visual Basic. This is my most fear of doing it, It sure gives me few headaches if I am unable to know how to use it. Well, What I am saying is... I have no problem typing in those commands as I did to EPIC, I have no Problem understanding BCD system. The only problem I have is I am not aware how to start creating program, I don't have that kind of knowledge in the values or parameters based on flight simulator 2002's requirements. So, if you be so kind to try to help me out by bring up advices, or any kind of recommend for me to be able start learning how to use Visual Basic, I would be so much obliaged to start inputing those VB details in my brain. What reference would you recommend me to start off learning how to use Visual Basic at home? I would be obligated for that, I would be rolling up my sleves and have moviation for this. Anyway, You can send the Beta set to me at [email protected]. Once again, Thank you for all of those wonderful, information you shared with me...


Hi Dave, I am still wondering if you would be able to attach the beta set to my e mail?


ArthurForgive me, I'm travelling for business and dont have access to the code. Soon as I get back (late Wednesday), I'll email a copy plus a small test program that you can use.Dave


Hi Dave, That's okay.. Take your time.. enjoy your business trip. On other issue, I figured out that IC7446/7447/7448 would work same way as Max7219, wouldn't they? Would that have 8 data bits similar to Max7219? I did few research on both chips through internet. The only thing I don't understand the function of MAX7219. I am assuming it's for digit display to make a communication to parallel port, which can be determine by the desired value through programming system, and 7446/7447/7448 wouldn't have that, is that correct? Lemme know : D

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