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ILS glideslope landing with FS 2002

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I'll add my voice to the chorus - the GS function seems to work fine for me. I have done hand-flown approaches in the PIC 767 in essentially zero visiblity, following the instructions on the flight director coupled to the ILS reciever. If I follow the needles, the runway lights appear right when they should, every time. I have yet to end up short for any reason other than my own ineptitude.


Ok, I am one of those ignoramuses who didn't know that a glideslope is different from a localizer (aaarrghh.. now I'm even more confused .. back to more reading for me). I keep hearing from several people on this forum how the fuel level is important when landing with ILS (i.e., keep it around 10%). But how do you dump fuel before landing? I'm assuming that is the only way to get rid of all the excess fuel. All aircraft I have do not have any button, lever or any gizmo to activate a fuel dump .. at least none that I could see.


>Ok, I am one of those ignoramuses who didn't know that a >glideslope is different from a localizer (aaarrghh.. now I'm >even more confused .. back to more reading for me). I keep >hearing from several people on this forum how the fuel level >is important when landing with ILS (i.e., keep it around >10%). But how do you dump fuel before landing? I'm assuming >that is the only way to get rid of all the excess fuel. All >aircraft I have do not have any button, lever or any gizmo >to activate a fuel dump .. at least none that I could see.I think you'll be hard pressed to find a sim aircraft which does have a fuel dump function. Your options here really are to either...1> Spend the time and do the fuel calculations before you go. (If nothing else, messing up the fuel calculation and having a bright yellow LOW FUEL lamp coming on ten miles short of the runway makes for an interesting arrival). This will make your flying a little more realisstic, anyhow... After all, United is hardly going to fill the tanks on a B734 to the top for a flight from KPHL to Chicago.2> Use the Aircraft/Fuel menu and quickly change your fuel load. It's unrealistic in that the EPA (or any local equivalent) wouldn't like anybody dumping fuel just for lightening's sake and that the airlines wouldn't want to carry all that gas just to dump it on some people in the 'burbs. :-lol


This certainly is a different set of answers then we saw last year at this time. Great -- most of us now understand the function and dynamics much better. Thanks MS for getting us marching on the right foot. Just took a few months!Bob

Guest jase439

PIC is another critter altogether. It has its own autopilot that is 100x more refined (and forgiving) than anything Microsoft put together. It has "CAT III" equipment for precision autolanding in near-zero visibility.So, while I agree with you: PIC rocks...you're kind of comparing apples to oranges here.

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