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JetBlue Flt Plans

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Guest lacsa320

Hello,Can anyone(KOEN IS THE MAN!!!)help me out and post up as many Jetblue flight plans as possible,especially the Nassau route and anyothers possible.Thanks alot....Jose


JBU419 A320/W EOBT: 1300zKJFK-MYNNRoute of Flight: KJFK DCT WAVEY DCT EMJAY J174 WARNN J174 DIW AR7 PANAL AR3 ZQA DCT MYNNETE: 02:20Initial Speed / Alt: N0442 F380


Hey, I guess I'm not the man, but I try to be nice when possible. ;-)Well, here they are, looks like you're in for some LONG flights.JBU457 KBOS-KFLL A320/Q F380 405PBOS..BOS..LUCOS.SEY067.SEY..HTO.J174.DIW.AR14.METTA.AR1.HOBEE.MRLIN4.FLL/0249JBU489 KBOS-KLGB A320/Q F340 340PBOS..MHT..SYR..BUF.J16.MCW.J148.ONL.J114.SNY.J100.BCE.J60.BLD.J107.HEC.KAYOH4.LGB/0600JBU55 KBTV-KJFK A320/Q F220 355PBTV..ALB..IGN.IGN7.JFK/0052JBU7 KBUF-KJFK A320/Q F230 400PBUF..GEE..ULW..LVZ.LENDY5.JFK/0052JBU62 KFLL-KJFK A320/Q F370 135PFLL..ZAPPA..PERMT.AR7.DIW.J174.ORF.J121.SIE.CAMRN4.JFK/0225JBU378 KFLL-KLGA A320/Q F370 415PFLL..ZAPPA..PERMT..ILM.J40.TYI..HPW.J191.PXT.KORRY3.LGA/0226JBU52 KJFK-KBTV A320/Q F210 830AJFK..GREKI.V419.JUDDS..CAM..BTV/1601JBU6 KJFK-KBUF A320/Q F220 415PJFK..NEION.J223.CORDS.J132.ULW.ULW306..V164.BUF/0053JBU49 KJFK-KFLL A320/Q F380 430PJFK..WAVEY..EMJAY.J174.WARNN.J174.DIW.AR14.METTA.AR1.HOBEE.MRLIN4.FLL/0225JBU219 KJFK-KLGB A320/Q F320 420PJFK..RBV..ETX.J60.HEC.KAYOH4.LGB/0541JBU101 KJFK-KOAK A320/Q F340 820AJFK..COATE.J36.BAE.J16.FSD.J82.CZI.J32.MLD.J158.MVA.MADN4.OAK/0551JBU38 KJFK-KROC A320/Q F220 420PJFK..NEION.J223.CORDS..ULW.V31.GIBBE..ROC/0050JBU173 KJFK-KSJC A320/Q F340 410PJFK..COATE.J36.DKK..BAE..OBH..DVV..OAL.HYP5.SJC/0555JBU21 KJFK-KTPA A320/Q F380 355PJFK..RBV.J230.COPES.J75.TAY.LZARD3.TPA/0229JBU198 KLAS-KJFK A320/Q F370 250PLAS.TRALR1.DVC.J146.GIJ.J554.JHW.J70.LVZ.LENDY5.JFK/0416JBU281 KLAS-KLGB A320/Q F220 355PLAS.BOACH1.HEC.KAYOH4.LGB/0047JBU381 KLGA-KFLL A320/Q F380 315PLGA..WHITE.J209.ORF.J174.DIW.AR14.METTA.AR1.HOBEE.MRLIN4.FLL/0028JBU436 KMCO-KBOS A320/Q F370 430PMCO.MCOY9.SAV.J207.RDU.J52.RIC.J14.PXT.J191.RBV.J222.JFK.ORW3.BOS/0228JBU52 KMCO-KJFK A320/Q F370 530AMCO..DEARY..HOBEE..ADOOR.AR7.DIW.J174.ORF.J121.SIE.CAMRN4.JFK/0215JBU76 KPBI-KJFK A320/Q F370 340PPBI..BLUFI..ADOOR.AR7.DIW.J174.ORF.J121.SIE.CAMRN4.JFK/0220JBU180 KPHX-KJFK A320/Q F350 215APHX.SILOW1.RSK..ALS..PUB.J64.LMN..MZV..JOT..ELX..SVM.J70.LVZ.LENDY5.JFK/0408JBU43 KROC-KJFK A320/Q F230 410PROC.J522.HNK.J522.IGN.IGN7.JFK/0052JBU136 KRSW-KJFK A320/Q F380 345PRSW..JOCK..ORL.J53.CRG.J55.CHS.J121.SIE.CAMRN4.JFK/0225JBU75 KSYR-KJFK A320/Q F210 405PSYR..HNK.J522.IGN.IGN7.JFK/0047JBU28 KTPA-KJFK A320/Q F370 400PTPA..SPNGE..TAY.J75.DUNKN.J210.JMACK.J121.SIE.CAMRN4.JFK/0026JBU422 MDSD-KJFK A320/W F380 235AMDSD..CDO.G446.KOBET..BESAS.G446.GTK.A554.CHAMP.A300.OWENZ..KJFK/0321Austin McCann

Guest lacsa320

Both of you guys are bad ####!!!Thanks alot........any more plz post em!!!Jose

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