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Guest Edam

FS not shutting down properly??

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Hi everyone,I wondered if anyone may be able to offer me some advice regarding a somewhat annoying problem that I have with FS2004. For some reason it seems that FS2004 is not shutting down completely when I exit the programme. This only becomes evident when I shut my computer off, and there is a pause before an information window opens and states that it is attempting to close down my fs9.cfg. A progress bar is displayed in this window, and there is the usual choice of 'end now', but when the progress bar is full the 'program not responding' window opens, at which stage if I select 'end now' the computer will complete its original process of shutting off.First step would probably be to reinstall, but this is a process that I loathe, having only just got FS2004 filled up with all my addons. Besides which this problem, whilst slightly annoying, seems to have no adverse affects on either the use of FS2004, or my computer. So basically I just wondered if anyone had any ideas about why this may be occuring?Kind regards,Al Summers.P.S. Changing the subject completely! I've been meaning to post for a while about whether anyone has any knowledge of whats going on behind the doors of Project Fokker? I keep checking their webpage, and was wondering whether we are likely to see the Fokker 70/100 v2 any time this year. The v1 was without a doubt my favorite freeware aircraft in FS2002. But I haven't bothered to download it again and install to FS2004 with the anticipation of the v2 release. Hope to see it sometime soon!

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Hi,I have the very same problem! Sometimes I can see from the Windows Task Manager that I have 2 or even 3 FS9.exe running!Does anyone has a solution (or reason) for this issue?Edmundo

Edmundo Azevedo

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I also have this problem, and by monitoring the memory on the Performance tab, along with the applications and processes of the Task Window, I noticed that it takes time for FS9 to unload all of the modules and executables it has running. On my system, this takes approximately 20-30 seconds. If I try to run another program or restart FS9 before FS9 completely unloads, I get the hung program situation you are reporting.If I wait until memory is clear, FS9 never gets stuck. I'm not sure if it will work for everyone, but it works for me.Bruce

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Guest Edam

As was stated, it takes some time for FS9 to unload. Just have a little patience.

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