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About ega

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  1. A320 Fenix calibration at: C:\ProgramData\Fenix\FenixSim A320 You may also want to save a copy of the UserCfg.opt file from: C:\Users\YOURNAME\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache Good luck with the reinstall!
  2. Many thanks for this wonderful (and useful) piece of software - cannot fly without it! Cheers
  3. A new version of the C414AW (and also of the Learjet35A) just came out on March 5: V4.4.3 for the C424AW and V1.2.3 for the Learjet35A.
  4. Thanks Vincent - love all your sceneries!
  5. It happened to me yesterday while approaching Southampton - I have latest version (1.0.2)
  6. Same experience with my 3080Ti - no difference in fps and some flickering while panning around...
  7. I noticed that I do have all your sceneries as per your list above - I love them all! Thank you so much for sharing your fantastic work. Kind regards
  8. Cockpit Enhancements:– Brand new cockpit textures (Optional download) (Credit: Mike). Where can we get these optional new cockpit textures? Thanks
  9. Thanks for the images - they are a comprehensive comparison between the default and the mod textures. Thanks!
  10. I bought AccuSeasons through JustFlight. I did restore, update - but keeps saying that the product is updated and gives no option to get the advanced version.
  11. In addition, the heading knob in the VC does not turn (it just rocks and it allows to set the desired heading)
  12. There are reported a few bugs with this latest update, one being the course knob doesn´t work!
  13. ...or select the installation folder ...during the installation process you are given a chance to select it - I have done it so I can use AddonsLinker without moving the files from MSFS community folder to the community folder I use for AddonsLinker
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