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  1. Nonsense. Every desktop sim until 2020 set out to simulate one thing only. Flying an aircraft. 2020/4 set out to simulate two things. Flying an aircraft and the world around you. The better sim is the one that not only simulates flying an aircraft reasonably well, but the one that improves the immersion of the simulated experience.
  2. Good to know
  3. Although some people might sound like they are reciting lines from dramatic scenes in Shakespeare, I do have sympathy here. Things may have improved somewhat, but not everyone is experiencing an equally improved sim, because some are trying to do different types of flying. Sadly, I think if you're an airline guy, the experience is probably still significantly sub-optimal. The best experiences are had with off the beaten track flying, bush flying and adventures probably. Sandbox type adventures with limited scenery but an overwhelmingly good experience. I have taken three days off from work and will spend some serious time exploring the sim. But I haven't yet seen a stream on Youtube in the past two weeks where someone has landed at a large airport without the runway being a blurry mess. In fact, I watched A330Driver last night land at an airport which was stored on his local drive - and the runway was a blurry mess. That raised an eyebrow. Why would that happen to locally stored scenery?
  4. It is of little value following someone else's settings unless they have a very similar display setup to your own. Most people, including myself, don't really know what most of those settings actually mean. So it's all a bit trial and error.
  5. I'm sure there will be a big word salad to explain it.
  6. I have watched a number of streams now where the arrival airport is a blurry mess. It is such a let down to complete a flight like that.
  7. This is what bothers me about the streaming model. If your textures fail to load at any given time, what is there to prevent critical system code from loading as well.
  8. I think by Xmas everyone is going to think it's the best thing since.....well msfs2020. First few days of any major platform release is always a drama with the most histrionic shouting the loudest. It has always been this way. But today I have seen and heard much more positivity and measured commentary as people take the time to work things through and not rush to get to FL350 within 5 mins of a major release.
  9. Whatever is in my Community folder.
  10. Do we know what the refresh rate is for the Vatsim aircraft
  11. This seems like commercial suicide to be honest. They are releasing an Airbus months after Fenix have already released theirs, onto a platform which is now transitioning to a newer version. All that R&D wasted. Who would buy it now? Do they have any USP with their version? Not sure there is anything which would get me to slap another £50-£100 on the table for another A32x version. This just seems crazy and way late to the market.
  12. These old aircraft are great and all, but unless they implement an engineer in a clever way to reduce workload and make flying it practical (and fun) for the average user, especially on online networks, it won't work. I assume they have done that
  13. It is one of the best integrations of a third party app.
  14. The A380 (as freeware) will definitely make developers think twice before wanting money for half-baked products going forward unless it is sold as a 'pre-release version. The bar has been set very high. Aerosoft **cough**
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