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About Zangoose

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  1. https://fenixsim.com/blog/entries/2024-07-26_fenix_installer_and_a320_update/
  2. PMDG 777 for MSFS - 2.00.0036 MICRO UPDATE Released 2024-07-03 14419: [External Model - Geometry] Shoddy work by maintenance forgot to reinstall Cabin lights cover (jbrown) 14368: [Main Panel - PFD] DU Borders need tweaking. (vscimone) 14431: [FREEZES - All Types] TCAS RA causing Freeze. (abashkatov) 14392: [ACARS - Datalink/Connectivity] TWIP requests stop working in flight (hvanrensburg) 14453: [Virtual Cockpit - Geometry/Textures] Strange artifacts when your are using TrackIR and look outside the window (vscimone) 14429: [ACARS - Weather Related Functions] Can't send new ATIS request after sending TWIP request (hvanrensburg) 14454: [Systems - Pressurization] Open the cockpit windows does not affect the cabin pressurization (hvanrensburg) 14364: [External Model - Geometry] Spoiler wing clipping on flex (jbrown) 14377: [External Model - Geometry] The Nitrogen Generation System (NGS) Intake and Outlets (LH side) and the OEA outlet on the right side are missing. (jbrown) 14444: [Virtual Cockpit - Geometry/Textures] Gasket missing from gear handle opening (vscimone) 14342: [Virtual Cockpit - Functionality/Click-Spots] Missing broadband switch on overhead (hvanrensburg) 14425: [Virtual Cockpit - Geometry/Textures] Missing INOP stickers for ADF 1 and 2 (vscimone) 14345: [Virtual Cockpit - Functionality/Click-Spots] UFT can be mounted on open window in VR (hvanrensburg) 14401: [General - SDK] MCP Lvars return incorrect values for VS and IAS (abashkatov) 14423: [Main Panel - EICAS Display Issues] Lower Display Unit engine indications placement too high (abashkatov) 14428: [General - Suggested/Missing Features] Undocked displays do not work in external views (abashkatov) 14382: [Systems - Wheels & Brakes] Parking Brake state is not being seen by ECL (rsrandazzo) 14366: [External Model - Geometry] Missing polygon left wing (jbrown) 14418: [Virtual Cockpit - Geometry/Textures] Gaps on wipers (jbrown) 14371: [External Model - Geometry] Strobe lights during day and far zoom (jbrown) 14400: [Virtual Cockpit - Functionality/Click-Spots] Yokes moves on opposite direction on drone (jbrown) 14412: [Virtual Cockpit - Geometry/Textures] LCD Display margins relative to the frame correct? (vscimone) 14403: [Virtual Cockpit - Geometry/Textures] Left cockpit window frame clipping (vscimone) 14402: [Virtual Cockpit - Geometry/Textures] Bag Stowage Placard mis spelled (vscimone) 14376: [Virtual Cockpit - Geometry/Textures] Little geometric inaccuracy on window blind bars (vscimone) 14344: [External Model - Geometry] Nose lines on radome (jbrown) 14303: [FMS - Route/Legs Pages] Route save from RTE pg 1 fixed (emvaos) 14356: [Virtual Cockpit - Geometry/Textures] Various VC issues (vscimone) 14263: [FMS/AFDS - VNAV] Beta 29: Top of Descent (T/D) Indication is missing its small green circle (abashkatov)
  3. 14289: [FREEZES - All Types] Protection against CLR (fmc message) button causing a sim lockup (emvaos) 14320: [FMS - Route/Legs Pages] ACTIVATE+EXECUTE a RTE with no waypoints (emvaos) 14272: [FMS - SID/STAR pages] Handling omni bearing non-runway specific SIDs (eg. KIAD CLUTCH3) (emvaos) 14340: [Virtual Cockpit - Geometry/Textures] Gap on glareshield when looked from outside (jbrown) 14288: [Virtual Cockpit - Geometry/Textures] MCP buttons need refinements (vscimone) 14266: [External Model - Geometry] Cabin Curtains disappear under certain conditions (hvanrensburg) 14294: [Virtual Cockpit - Functionality/Click-Spots] Lights Intensity (abashkatov) 14296: [ACARS - Datalink/Connectivity] Cancel on EICAS causes freeze (hvanrensburg) 14241: [External Model - Geometry] GSX Profile - Issues (jbrown) 14246: [ACARS - CPDLC] Hoppie Login no longer working with Vatsim (hvanrensburg) 14076: [Virtual Cockpit - Geometry/Textures] 5R door ARM handle remains in DISARMED position (hvanrensburg) 14279: [External Model - Geometry] Brake Wear Indicator Pins in wrong place? (jbrown) 14297: [External Model - Geometry] Engine blade spacing on one blade is slightly off? (jbrown) 14322: [ACARS - Datalink/Connectivity] Can’t send requests on COMM (hvanrensburg) 0000: [Wheels & Brakes] - Parking brake cannot be released in Simple Mode. https://forum.pmdg.com/forum/main-forum/general-discussion-news-and-announcements/311573-29jun24-pmdg-777-300er-v2-00-0034-via-operations-center
  4. Yeah, doesn't seem to happen when I switched back to DX11.
  5. 1940 77W on Volanta right now - Of course I can't see if they are all PMDG MSFS but gives you an idea.
  6. Emails finally arrived but now onto the 2nd part waiting for it to accept the code.
  7. I would also be part of that group no time compression here. I've done longer than 7 hours!
  8. Looking forward to the 777 being released. One of my fav airplanes and can't wait to have it in MSFS.
  9. Public Beta - 12.1.0b7 There is a new checkbox in the graphics settings called "Enable FXAA Antialiasing". This allows users to enable/disable FXAA independently of MSAA. Bug fixes ● XPD-15389 - Bug report "G1000 is in boot mode on 3, 10 nm approaches if selected after cold and dark start". ● XPD-15390 - Bug report "Ground textures flashing with camera movements/zoom". ● XPD-15422 - Separate checkbox for enabling FXAA independently of MSAA. ● XPD-15424 - Bug report "Orthophotos on the ground blurred/overlayed at distance". ● XPD-15441 - Flight model of PA18 SuperCub needs adjusting. ● XPD-15478 - Crash In Vulkan Memory Allocator. ● XPD-15480 - Crash inside of render dag when volumetric fog is enabled. ● XPD-15488 - F14 standby horizon slip indicator (ball) reversed sense. ● XPD-15544 - "Minor bug - German Localisation - Startscreen missing Letter T in Taste". ● XPD-15567 - Crash in GFX metal code. ● XPD-15588 - Crash in replay. ● XPD-15589 - Livery pref lost with too many aircraft. ● XPD-15591 - "Translation issue German "Löschen" is not "Clear"". ● XPD-15594 - "ILS approaches with only Final Approach Course Fix ('I') don't show as transition option". ● XPD-15610 - Avionics API callbacks not counted in plugin admin performance tab. ● XPD-15611 - "The aviation flashlight is offset when the UI scale is not 100%". ● XPD-15613 - San Francisco Landmarks small fix. ● XPD-15632 - Crash at beginning of replay with aviation flashlight on - xp12.10_release. ● XPD-15637 - sim/operation/reset_flight command does not reset to last actual start. ● XPD-15638 - Re: Bug report "Draped polygons flickering".```
  10. For those that aren't watching live - Here you go:
  11. FYI - The C-47 and Waco is now out on the marketplace. https://twitter.com/MSFSofficial/status/1798613067959615680
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