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About psolk

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  • Birthday January 20

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  1. I would equate this to are you more concerned with the process or the outcome? Do you really need to know how the sausage is made and what they are using to compute the sausage if the sausage tastes good? 🙂 Happy Friday
  2. I have a random question. Does everyone else only see the landing gear on AI from a ridiculously short distance? Like not even the entire length of the runway as they land? I can usually see all the gear for a few hundred feet before they disappear again, Is that just me or is there a setting I can modify. I already run TLOD 300 and OLOD 200 LOL
  3. Thank you! Yeah, I was making the mistake of loading AIGTC first, waiting for it to finish then launching MSFS which compounded my loading times. Appreciate the feedback!
  4. Interesting... You load them both simultaneously? I have always loaded AIGTC first then once it is up I loaded MSFS hence the compounded load time.
  5. Not really a valid comparison... It would have to be what's the benefit of buying a Toyota Prius over getting a BMW 540 for free... 😉
  6. @Kaiii3 Thank you as always for all the work you do! Quick question, is there anything that can be done to speed up the launch of AIGTC? On my machine which is fairly powerful it takes at least 5-10 minutes for TC to launch. It is the only reason I defaulted back to MSFS live traffic using AIG models. Not sure what is transpiring as it loads but between AIGTC and MSFS loading times it can be 15 minutes just waiting for them both to load. Thank you!!!
  7. No bother, happy to help another user is possible. On my machine I have remapped them to W so I am not sure what they are by default but whatever keys you would use to move around the cockpit (forward, backwards, left, right) should work. A S D
  8. Use the keyboard commands to move around and walk through the door. There is a whole new world for you back there 🙂
  9. Yes you can, have you ever tried to walk back there?
  10. Yeah, I have uninstalled/re-installed as well and tried both the house livery and the United livery for the 737. Neither worked. I am now rebooting to try the house 777 livery to see if that works. Also waiting on some suggestions on the GSX forum. I am not using the bus but the jetway and passengers board then disappear. Seems like a number of users hitting issues with this GSX release the worst of which will prevent the add on planes from even loading and result in a total reinstall. Next option will be to try a default airport to see if that works. If I was on the sideline still I would definitely be holding off the upgrade LOL. Edit: Looks like someone else already tried the multiple airports option and that didn't help either so it's just waiting on the dev for some direction at this point.
  11. I think all of your issues have already been raised in the GSX forums so fingers crossed if Umberto resolves the issues for one of us they will resolve the issues for all of us. I just got my 777, 737 and GSX all re-installed and working again but none of the seated passengers are working with my PMDG official liveries so also waiting to see what the fix is...
  12. I would highly suggest the FSDT forums. There seem to be a number of different issues users are encountering the worst of which causes your add-on planes to disappear resulting in a total install of your add-ons. Your issue may be as simple as a livery or GSX setting or could be something more complicated like others are running into. Add on liveries do not appear to be working, some users are hit or miss with official liveries, some users have ended up with corruption that they were able to resolve by changing liveries and GSX settings, some of us have either lost our add on aircraft altogether or on the flip side re-installed our aircraft only to have GSX disappear. Definitely some teething pains but I am sure Umberto is already on it... Hence why I would recommend trying to troubleshoot over there.
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