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About alr5100

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  1. I'm not a hardware expert but I would think you would want to increase the CPU to get the latency lower. How were you able to throttle your CPU to bring the latency down?
  2. I just did some split testing seems like lasso the way I have it set up on my system brought the latency down on the main thread down about 1ms and gave some more stability. I am going to need to use AutoLOD because the most I can squeeze out of my system in dence airport scenery and traffic is about 50 TLOD.
  3. Yes I just split tested, it seems to do better with the NCP frame limiter for my system. I cap it 2-3 frames below the hz of the monitor.
  4. I believe this may have been the answer I was searching for. I got the closest I possibly could to balancing the CPU latency with the GPU latency and it seems much smoother. I will be doing a couple VATSIM flight this weekend to make sure this solves the issue I am facing. It seems like a lot of people in the comments on the video with the combination of a 4090 and 7950X3D had the same issue I was experiencing, and I can already notice quite a large difference by employing the methods outlined in the video. Sadly I can only really strike the balance by bringing my TLOD to 50 and below, but I prefer to not have stutters...I had to bring my render scaling to 130-140 to match the CPU latency on the GPU and all GPU settings to ultra.
  5. That is strange I get massive latency with Edge Sync, and Frame limiting through RTSS, but no latency if I cap frames in NVCP. I have FG on.
  6. Thanks I was thinking of buying that tree height mod, sad to hear it caused performance issues.
  7. I haven't tested using default aircraft since I never fly them. Yes I believe Riva tuner is sub optimal if trying to cap using Frame Gen. I am not using AI traffic. I fly on VATSIM and found incredible FPS gains by reducing the FSLTL model matching to 2k liveries however it didn't seem to affect the stutters.
  8. I wasn't 100% sure about that but during my testing over the last couple of months I find I get much better performance and less stutters when capping inside of NVCP rather than RTSS.
  9. I have it set to all 3D VCache Cores in Process lasso 1-15, and all other apps on 16-32. I looked at XBox Game Bar and it shows 0% Do you happen to know where in the Game Bar it can set to a specific core?
  10. Yes I primarily run in DX12 with PG enabled always. I did some tests yesterday with PG disabled and don't recall many issues, I have never done a VATSIM flight with PG disabled. Do you think that is the culprit?
  11. Thanks, I have a strange phenomena happening when I try to balance the mainthread to the GPU, I am already running quite low on CPU intensive sliders, but this is the strange thing... When I deselect the MSFS window and go to my secondary monitor, my CPU frametimes come down into the green and my frames increase... But when I click back into the game window my Mainthread goes into the red and frames tank. Any ideas why this could be happening? I have frame gen turned off in the above example, but same thing happens when I have Frame Gen enabled.
  12. Thanks for those suggestions, I disabled GSX awhile ago and didn't notice any difference and disabled Aerosoft VDGS earlier today but still had those approach stutters.
  13. Thanks I have watched that video in full, it does a good job explaining how to tone down the settings to find a sweet spot, but my issue seems only to happen on the last 500 ft of the final approach, I think it may have something to do with MSFS texture popping.
  14. Yes this is happening at all airports about 90% of the time. It's happened to me at small 1 runway fields in Eastern Europe with no traffic in the area and sparse scenery which leads me to believe it has nothing to do with dense traffic / scenery overloading the system.
  15. Hi Noel, I have done a clean GPU driver update using DDU and cleaned out my Nvidia Caches countless times at the following locations. %userProfile%\AppData\LocalLow\NVIDIA\PerDriverVersion\DXCache %localAppData%\NVIDIA\GLCache %localAppData%\D3DSCache I had gone through your pinned post last week and tried many of the settings listed in your recommendations. The frustrating thing for me is that I am very happy with my performance with Frame Gen on and locked to 90 FPS other than the final 1000 ft of the approach. The rest of the flight is butter smooth. Are you locking your frames at 45 with RTSS? I find I get quite a bit of input lag when locking frames externally with RTSS below 80 FPS. It gets extremely noticeable at 60 and below. Also are you using scanline sync and turning off G-Sync or do you take advantage of your G-Sync Monitor? Are you using DX11 or DX12? The only perceived downside to running lower than 60FPS for me is the blurriness of the image when panning, which I do quite a bit with my mouse in airliners to make my way around the cockpit. My eyes have got accustomed to the crisp image of higher frames on a high refresh rate monitor with frame gen. What is the benefit of using back-edge sync for MSFS vs async?
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