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About sd_flyer

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    aviation, flight simulator, martial arts

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    Flight simmer, real C172P owner, Certified Flight Instructor

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  1. But you still can only buy it in 2020 marketplace?
  2. I think Signature FBO would qualify
  3. Too bad there is info for 2024. It's pretty cool aircraft. My FBO use to operate several of them
  4. Don’t know what you guys struggle with. It’s like I have a different version of Caravan than you ! Lol Caravan was my favorite aircraft in career for parachute jumpers mission . No trouble whatsoever!
  5. First, I think it can be sensitivity of your rudder pedals. IRL rudder pedals are not easy to push. If I can remember correctly you have to apply force about 20lbs to 100 lbs. I personally tweaked mine Honeycomb Charlie to my liking. Secondly, rudder provides some directional control only. If there cross-wind present, correct aileron controls would required (and even elevator). Finally, as I mentioned above, student pilots who flip their airplane was precisely misuse of differential braking, loss of directional control skidding and eventually belly up.(just like car in movies) Wet runway makes things even worse! I haven't try WB sim 152 but I'm pretty sure they tweaked control sensitivity to replicate RL resistance. Keep in mind with very sensitive controls it very easy to overcompensate. There phenomena called "pilot induces oscillation" when pilot over controls and then overcompensate. This is precise case with oversensitive controls in the sim . If you haven't flown real airplane it's really hard to tweak unless someone did it who knows. That is why 3rd party airplanes like A2A always have an edge. IRL we always try to save brakes and use them only when necessary. For example, on very short runway or during emergency braking. Aerodynamic braking and thrust reverse always come first. In Caravan you can employ both of those before tapping brakes. Also - very important ! When you touch down keep your "heels on the floor" or in other word don't hold your brakes!
  6. I don't have problem you do! But I have seen student pilos lost directional control and flip light airplane on it's back! Fortunately IRL most pilots who get to fly Caravan have some experience under their belt before! LOL From my perspective Asobo Caravan is OK. A bit sensitive on the pitch though to my taste. I have not ran numbers to see if power settings and performance is in par with real counterpart. I'm not sure what could cause erratic behavior you experience . Perhaps "assistance" somehow turned on or some binding conflict . Caravan flies fine if I stick "pitch, power, trim" like I do with most aircraft. May be this manual will help. There are figures for torque, rpm, and ITT https://caravannation.com/208BG1000POH.pdf
  7. I would strongly disagree with this statement. Obviously damage model in IL-2 is superior but not ground physics. Problem with all military sim is that modeled airplanes can't be properly vetted agains real counterpart. Most information modern military aircraft are classified! Historic aircraft only exists in some degree in a small private collections where I doubt many developer can get access to many of them. For example well known YouTuber and ex-military pilot Mover once commented in this regard about DCS F-16 and F-18 modeling (he flew both). He said both are good approximation but not authentic representation. This is huge contrast with civilian sector where in most cases you can get access actual aircraft or level D simulator , involve pilots who fly it in development process or fly yourself.
  8. I have honeycomb bravo/charlie and TM.320 stick . TM.320 stick had conflicts with honeycomb rudder and throttle. I had to delete conflicting assignment for z axis and throttle axis . There is function in MSFS control settings if you move any “slider” on you controls it show you the binding . If you see similar binding from another controller delete it
  9. What controller are you using ? Can you see it under windows “game controllers “?
  10. In control setting delete conflicting bindining on your rudder pedals
  11. The only thing you need to understand about 2024 ATC is that it is the same as in 2020! I'm using it only for background chatter LOL
  12. So does it work in 2024? can anyone confirm?
  13. Same for me. I wonder if those option are available for SU1 beta?
  14. So when G1000 simbrief import hangs it still creates flight plan with departure and arrival. I would try yo regenerate simbrief flight again see if different import goes ok I don't think reinstall will help I had the same issue with Asobo aircraft. I believe it's G1000 problem now on Cows tab
  15. It happened to me once in a while with DA42. I don't think it's patch related it just intermittent issue. It could be due to Asobo
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