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About Noel

  • Birthday 02/23/1953

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    Arvada, CO
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    Golf, music, too many others to mention!

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  1. Is it typical for ATC clearance NOT to mention which runway you're being directed to TO from? That's what's happening in BATC which SHOWS the runway, but doesn't state it. Is this typical for RW ATC? Thanks
  2. Great, good to know. I just tried this taxiing out of KMCO when traffic behind me started bumping into my tail. So I turned traffic OFF in BATC, but did not close it, and the two planes behind me stayed there. But okay, closing the app ends traffic. No traffic w/o BATC as I have uninstalled FSLTL's injector and also have had MSFS' traffic off since using FSLTL. Thanks
  3. My flights have been great including after adding BATC w/ #5 traffic settings. But this morning out of KMCO rate is right at 29-30fps and even up at cruise to KMDW it's vacillating around 30fps. And GPU% is down to 38 whereas normally it would be around 60% or so. I don't yet know if one closes BATC how long it takes, if ever, for spawned traffic to disappear. With FSLTL's it's instant but not so with BATC's injector.
  4. What tool do you use to 'pull up the SID'? I know you used AivlaSoft at least in the past.
  5. On the performance issue you recently posted: was your GPU way low utilization compared to baseline?
  6. No I didn't look. This morning I was at KMCO and frame rate was completely weird: 29-31fps, GPU down from it's usual 60% utilization is at 38%. I thought perhaps it had to do with traffic but when I turned traffic in BATC to OFF to see if there was a difference the planes spawned did not disappear as they do in FSLTL. Is there a way to quickly eliminate all planes spawned by BATC's injector? My other two flights were in major airports and had great performance so I'm assuming it's something to do w/ the poor performance others have reported recently. As a side note, this is what happened at KMCO during taxi for departure: the Frontier plane just kept ramming into my tail. I did notice when we stopped at the runway the plane behind it stopped short so perhaps this is just a bug not yet addressed: Question: I didn't get given an initial climb altitude in the flight I'm in now. When ATC tells you this: 'Climb via SID" I"m assuming that means follow the altitude restrictions in the SID?
  7. Do people who don't use charts find the built-in moving map in BATC sufficient to help one find the arrival gate? It's crude but maybe useful enough.
  8. Very nice program: user-friendly everything! The pro voices are better but too much $$ if you use it for everything including traffic but if you limit it just to the controller not too bad. I hope they can drop the price for a subscription I might consider it then and then leave LiveATC off. Performance at level 5 is great w/ FSLTL models. The problem I foresee is: how the heck can I tear myself away from this?! Works well w/ GSX and SLC as well. I see SLC now has two options for AI voice in their text-to-speech I'm going to check that out next. SLC is about to undergo a significant update. That is another piece of software super creatively and well designed.
  9. I have traffic off in MSFS as that was a req for FSLTL. As I say it seems to be working as it should so far on a 3h flight just visible models are missing. Hopefully the Run Administrator will fix it. I wonder, can BATC continue a flight if BATC is shut down and restarted? That is a feature in SLC that is useful.
  10. I just found a guide on their site and they mention to run BATC as Administrator and I see its shortcut did not have that enabled so hopefully that's all to it.
  11. In my first flight and all's well but I don't SEE any traffic, but I hear ATC directing other traffic. I have FSLTL models installed, but uninstalled their injector as I assumed it wasn't needed. On the BATC settings page it look right but maybe I'm missing something? FSLTL's injector seemed to spawn aircraft near wherever I was parked...
  12. The drop was exceedingly easy to predict after the first few days post release when it became apparently things weren't going to improve quickly enough to sustain growth in users. 2024 offers very good potential and already some spend most of their time simming in it. I've yet to install 2024, my primary interest when I do will be to pick up GA flying as it's been a long time since I've done that, and clearly that is where the improvement inherent in 2024 will be more apparent. Very much looking forward to it and told myself it will be 1-3 months before it's worth jumping in. I'm imagining now the 3 month mark will be fine.
  13. I don't have an iPad but I do use two screens so hopefully my 2nd screen where SLC and browser live will be okay for BATC as well. Cheers!
  14. Thanks for that Richard I'm starting to get excited to move ahead w/ BATC and your reply sealed the deal. I use A Pilot's Life along with Self Loading Cargo for their scoring pieces so this will add a new level of immersion for me. Cheers
  15. Someone I think I read stated performance was good when using BATC's injector along with FSLTL models. I haven't installed BATC yet but checking to see if it's just a case of having FSLTL models installed but not their injector, and turning on traffic in BATC. Is that all there is to it? I don't have a lot of performance wiggle room because I don't use FG so every bit of performance I can muster matters.
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