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About Noel

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  • Birthday 02/23/1953

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    Arvada, CO
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  1. Let's leave it be. I've seen both, calibrated HDR10 on a capable display and the simple Details filter tuned w/ simple desktop color parameters and prefer the latter. I'm also someone who can't stand the types of artifact when I use NV DLSS FG, so don't use FG and live with a native rate of 45fps. I don't know many more who see it this way. I bring it up to point out how different people perceive and prioritize things differently. Hence we can't objectively state HDR or FG is always best--it's all about subjective perception which is our reality. I think ultimately my preferred approach looks more natural, more in line with real world perception. As I say, it looks 'just right'. Cheers
  2. I've tried all the other filters in GFE but truly the Details filter is in its own class and it's all that's needed albeit one needs to adjust desktop color parameters in NCP after turning in the Details filter to dial in the basics.
  3. It's the DETAILS filter that delivers ;o)
  4. If anyone convinced HDR10 is best has not tried simply the GFE Details Filter alone (and you can adjust parameters within it), along with tuning gamma/contrast/brightness/vibrance in NCP I heartily recommend you give it a try.
  5. After making sure it was setup correctly w/ the Win 11 HDR Calibration App or whatever it's called it's just not for me. It makes some things way too bright whereas the Details filter along w/ desktop color controls dial in perfection for my eyes and it's as bright as desired. I find with HDR sometimes things that should not be so bright are way too bright.
  6. I have brightness set at around 55 in NCP desktop color settings and I wouldn't want any more brightness than that. Gamma is at 93. And Contrast is at 70. I forget what my monitor is set at. Those along w/ the Detail filter create something pretty close to HDR. I will have another look at HDR10 and see how it compares and report back.
  7. I used HDR briefly until I discovered the GFE Details filter. That, with some customization of desktop color settings and vibrance and I feel the result is much better, more realistic. BUT...my last try w/ HDR was on Win 10 so maybe it's worth another look now in Win 11.
  8. Mine look every bit as bright as these in the video. A lot depends on your altitude and weather but in this video it's all down very low. I think this one I was at 13K feet:
  9. You should realize I had no idea about the source of this and wanted anyone HERE to know in case they run into it as well. I assumed it was the PLANE, had no idea it was GSX, and by visiting the PMDG forum that is where I learned about the cause of this. Since this is being discussed already YOU should have posted about this issue here as I'm sure others will be fooled into thinking this is PMDG's issue.
  10. I installed the update yesterday, enabled the PMDG 738 pax loading option, then this morning set out to fly the plane and now get this. Someone on PMDG forum mentioned this happened to him and disabling the feature in GSX resolves the issue thankfully:
  11. Yep that's what I meant by delete and reinstall. Turns out it is the GSX update and checking the Passenger loading option for the 737 that caused the issue from someone on their forum so looks like we have a solution.
  12. Did it's update a day or two ago and now launching a fresh boot at KSBA the exterior of the plane is missing at the gate--only the VC is present more or less. From the external view I can see just the cockpit framework. Any other thoughts besides delete and reinstall the plane?
  13. Terribly quality of LDDU I bought on the marketplace sale as I'm flying out of there a bit now. The dev actually took the exact same tree and populated a large section of the airport with that one tree! Ugg! Reminded me of FSX only worse! I wonder if I can get a refund?
  14. You're missing the DRONE camera which gives you complete control of the external view and is simple to use.
  15. That's frustrating at the very least! Have you tried temporarily emptying the Community Folder to see if this resolves the issue? If not, try that first. If that doesn't do it I have to imagine MSFS is fine, it's likely down to system hardware/software. How are CPU/GPU temps? Have you emptied the DX cache folders and updated the GPU driver since this began? How about deleting the rolling cache file if you have one active?
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