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  1. I would bet on this being an AFCAD issue causing the problem. Something I wish that developers would take more care with. How does the AI traffic flow without BATC? Same or similar problems?
  2. What happened to the Freeware Friday page they used to do on Flightsim.to? Did they run out of freeware? I quite enjoyed perusing that page.
  3. At the sale price of 2 Euros it is surely a bargain then?
  4. There will be plenty of immersion for you flying a 3 crew member aircraft single pilot. I haven’t seen a great deal of info on it but the phone is used to conduct the various checklist procedures automatically, as if the other crew members were present. I’m not sure if these actions can be confined to just the FE or not. Certainly a big help as it would be very busy otherwise.
  5. The problem is that the OP only has issues with the 172. All other aircraft seem to be ok. It suggests that something is wrong with the 172 rather than sceneries.
  6. The powerplant sounds are off the mark. Engine start should have more of a noticeable groan rising in crescendo until light off. The sounds on approach are more like a siren and well off the mark. On approach the auto throttles are too sensitive (but better than the other way around). The rest of the sounds are ok and who really cares about the cabin?
  7. Hopefully some clever modders will cast their magic over this.
  8. Have you tried different versions of the 172, liveries and panel configs, to try and isolate the problem?
  9. I'm not sure ho9w I missed that on the forums, but thanks for the info. I was probably looking with my "boys eyes" as my partner often says....
  10. Is there a change log or post anywhere for this update?
  11. I wonder if adjusting pitch axis Reactivity in the controller setting may help calm the pitch issue It may not work as well on airliners but it just might be worth a try. Check out this video.
  12. Is anyone else finding the Simbrief PMDG 777 profile a bit light on the gas? I see it’s P01 but I’m regularly having to tweak it up or carry discretionary fuel.
  13. Why are they having so much difficulty with RF leg types? LNAV 2.0 (which included RF legs) was announced years ago.
  14. Does FG give a noticeable visual difference or just show a higher FPS? Does it struggle with rapid view panning? I have the same GPU and am considering giving it a go. Has you noticed any significant increase in VRAM usage?
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