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    Flying Spitfires

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  1. For those of you who don't go to IGN for the latest flight sim news... (/Irony off) https://www.ign.com/articles/microsoft-flight-simulator-2024-the-first-preview
  2. @MammyJammy Where are you MammyJammy, we still need your help with your Texture Optimizer tool!
  3. Appreciate you sharing these images. I have adjusted the blue arrows so that the movement works on my Honeycomb quadrant. Slightly different to your TCM Airbus module. Thank you for your help.
  4. I have the latest version of AAO. Awaiting your screenshots to show how to set this up correctly.
  5. I can't figure out how to assign 3 stages of a Flap lever and the TBM850 mode switch using A&O. Can anyone help me? I simply wish to use a custom range for axis Z (50-90%) as 'flap lever' and reserve the top 10% for another custom LVar to activate '850' mode in the TBM850 from Black Square. I have tried using 'detents' but there is no documentation on them in the manual, so I have no idea why it's not working. I have also tried using custom 'margins' to limit the axis input range but that doesn't work either. Assigning an action like this really shouldn't be this complicated. Any help is much appreciated.
  6. This is a first for me but following some advice online from people who had experienced similar bugs, unplugging the Stream Deck+ and then plugging it back in has resolved this bug. AAO was not responsible 🙂
  7. I use Axis and Ohs Stream Deck Plugin for a custom profile that has been working fine until the last AAO update. Now the 'Touch Tap' and 'Swipe' Events cause the 'profile' to reset to the first screen. It's almost like the app crashes and resets instantly to the first screen of the profile. Until the latest update, the profile was working just fine and I haven't changed my setup or installed any other software that could be causing a conflict. I thought it might have been an MSFS update that caused this but as it is only happening on the Stream Deck profile, I suspect it's linked to AAO. @Lorby_SI Could you please check if something needs updating in your very generously provided Stream Deck plugin? I'm at a loss as what to change as it has been working just fine until a few days ago. This is the profile in case anyone would like to check if it's working for them currently: https://flightsim.to/file/74140/easy-to-use-stream-deck-plus-profile-for-ga-flying Thank you
  8. Thank you, that's very helpful.
  9. Could someone wiser than me please explain why the Honda Jet Pilot's Operating Manual has ISA +5, +10 and +15 on the Cruise Performance pages? I've not seen this before and wonder if the cruise speeds are based on the temperature on the ground i.e. 20'c = ISA +5, not in the air? I'd also like to understand how you can go faster if you're heavier, as per the chart below. I feel I'm missing something obvious here...
  10. If I remember, you lock to 30fps? I need 60fps for Track-IR and wouldn't want to give up FSHud ATC as it works so well and adds so much for me.
  11. £1 per fps lost in the new version it seems. Such a shame as adding AI and a jet will leave you with 15fps.. I wonder if these screenshots are with native DLSS FG on? Hope not. Pyreegue is one of the best, together with Fly Tampa, in my opinion. It's a shame to see him adding Doritos and Sushi at a restaurant I will never see. v1 performs perfectly on my set up. I wish devs would offer a AAA version and an FPS friendly version without interiors. I love detail but not at the cost of 10-15fps.
  12. It works just just fine in the Duke but not in the TBM850. Back to the Duke! And thank you.
  13. @Bert Pieke Not sure if you have tried this recently as WT have changed the code in the 530 and I just bought the TBM850 but it's not importing a loaded flight plan... hmph
  14. @MammyJammy Where are you MammyJammy, we need your help with your Texture Optimizer tool!
  15. It's because the 1.4 version (and older) are not actually respecting the -resizesmaller command and TextureOptimizer is resizing every texture and adding mipmaps, hence the increase in size. For example, an unmipped texture might be 4097kb in size and the correctly formatted version is 5462kb. Not every texture needs to be resized or mipmapped though, which is why I posted the message above. Hopefully @MammyJammy will see the message and be able to fix his utility.
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