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About Naki18

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    Tauranga, NZ

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  1. No issues here either ...a clean reinstall with NZTG
  2. They are supposed to be releasing two aircraft (both this year?) So hopefully it's the 182 ...i would also be happy with the 172 or Cherokee 180, to go with the Aerostar
  3. Really looking forward to this...if I had to choose just one aircaft modelled by one company it would this combo!
  4. Yeah well it's important of those that fly in NZ..there are similar issues at Mt Cook...and elsewhere in the world
  5. If i recall correctly, it was recommended by Asosbo to remove the Orbx mesh since the first NZ update
  6. Quick pic last night of the real thing ....looks pretty accurate 20240411_210029
  7. I'm really looking forward to this as its my local airport and fly in and out of there all the time...... I'm flying back to Tauranga today .. also looking at becoming a member of the Classic Flyers Museum located there
  8. More looking forward to the Hunter particularly since we had a flying example based at our airport..since exported to Aussie after lying static for a few years. Never seen a B-17...maybe one day
  9. Hey Adam, maybe Rex fixes it?...last flight in NZMF I had a few weeks ago, IIRC had frozen sea ice which never happens there... same issue at MtCook and Glen Tanner
  10. Looks fantastic....hope they sort the unseasonal snow and ice issues....and Wanaka is next! Edit: I thought Sergio was involved with NZA now?
  11. Excellent! That worked thanks Byronb! Great community we have here at Avsim with people that know their word not allowed and willing to help!
  12. Thanks for the suggestion.... will have a look Edit: I'm afraid this didn't work either ...I'll see what A2A has to say about...
  13. I suspect it is something wrong with my system, but in saying that, every other addon works as it should. There is no sound inside the plane..outside is okay. No the accusim service isn't running properly. The updater dosent work and has errors. I have to reinstall the Comanche every update. Yes the sound is turned up on the tablet.
  14. Useless.... Inside sound dosent work anymore with the update (yes I have tried all the suggested fixes) ... and the updater never works for me so I have to do a complete reinstall of the Comanche for every update...I'm done
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