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About RaptyrOne

  • Birthday 09/15/1969

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    15 years in airline flight operations & management. Licensed to fly.

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  1. The files with extension .dlsss are just back up files. When you use DLSS Swapper, it backs up the two original files with this extension name before swapping them. You can safely ignore or even delete those two files as previous versions of the dlss files are available to download (or you can use DLSS Swapper) if you ever want to revert. The sim outright ignores all files with the .dlsss extension. 😉
  2. Hmmm, not sure what you have there but for MSFS2020 there should only be two files… nvngx_dlss.dll nvngx_dlssg.dll Hover your mouse over these files and it will show you which versions they are. You only place these two files in that one folder. Not anywhere else. There is a third dlss file doing the rounds that is not used by the sim in any way and should be ignored, nvngx_dlssd.dll. Don’t place this file in your sim.
  3. Just imagine how us Msfs2020 users feel. 🤣
  4. For Steam it is a usually in: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Microsoft Flight Simulator Inside this folder you will find the two dlss dll’s that can be swapped out. Even if you have your sim on a different drive, unless you also installed Steam to a different drive, this is the typical default location.
  5. In other words the NVidia app is seriously bugged. I won’t be installing that rubbish.
  6. The latest CPU’s are the bottle neck in MSFS2020, even with a 4070Ti Super. With a 5090, the bottleneck is growing not the FPS count. Huge $$$ for marginal gains.
  7. You have a great GPU, but your CPU is aging and holding your system back. Try DX12 and set your Anti Aliasing to DLSS Quality and switch Frame Generation on. These settings are in the sim’s Graphics menu.
  8. I spent a chunk of time testing the new DLSS4 in MSFS2020 this past weekend and the above option is SIGNIFICANTLY better on MY system. I went back to With my 4K monitor running G-Sync and the 0.85 scaling, Sim DLSS set to High Quality, DLSS4 at Quality setting is comparatively downright awful. DLSS4 gives 30% more FPS yes, but terrible ghosting in the bottom forward corner of side windows (C172) and in trees over forested areas. I will give it another shot when the official release comes out but I am saving my 3.7.20 files and for now, I am not remotely impressed with DLSS4. Very surprised how different my opinion is to the majority here but it is what it is. 🙂
  9. He also stresses the point that this will not work unless it is set only in the global base profile. 16:25 thru about 17:30.
  10. Not sure I like this DLSS version in MSFS2020…… you lose the option for “Ultra Quality”. That means the best setting in sim with DLSS Anti Aliasing is “Quality” and while that gains a ton of FPS, image quality is down on what I am used to on my 4K monitor when using a factor of 0.85 in Nv Profile Inspector. For me that means going back to 3.7.10 as that was the last version that allowed Ultra Quality and it produces a better image that DLSS 4 with Quality. When you have native FG and are already getting 80-90 FPS, extra FPS are far outweighed by better image quality.
  11. Probably the "global" setting is suggested if you want to be using it in all other games, so you don't need to set up each game separately. If you are only running MSFS, no reason to use global, just use the specific Flight Simulator Profile.
  12. Hello all. Quick question for MSFS2020. MSFS2020 has two .dll files: nvngx_dlss.dll and nvngx_dlssg.dll. However, in that Github download link in this thread, there is a third option, nvngx_dlssd.dll. Anyone know if that is relevant to MSFS2020? Guessing not as the sim will only be calling file names it knows? I am copying the files manually, hence asking the Q. Thanks.
  13. Was super excited for MSFS2024 but after the initial horror show and the ongoing major issues being highlighted by the YouTube brigade, staying with 2020. It just runs so well. Everything works. Never crashes. Runways are always there when you land on them. I predict that a year from now, majority of flight simmers will be back on 2020 with MSFS2024 relegated to “Windows Me” status, used only by gamers wanting the career stuff and looking at pebbles in the river.
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