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About Jarnie

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  • Birthday August 28

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    Blue Mountains NSW Australia (near YSRI)
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    Personal fitness

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    Ex analyst/programmer

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  1. Opps I didn't loose my camera settings. My controls settings has been set back to default and after restoring my joystick to its rightful 'profile' (Logitech Extreme) my camera positions worked. Thanks goodness.
  2. Thanks. Yes I remembered most of the settings especially the important (for me) ones. Still annoying that they are lost as well as camera setting which I have 3 different ones for different aircraft instrument panels and that makes it difficult to remember.
  3. Recently the XBOX server went down but now is up and I can run MSFS. When I ran MSFS for the first time after the outage it displays a screen for 'accessibilities settings' and asked if I wanted to reset to default and I select NEXT (not YES) there was a male voice talking about accessibilities settings and a few more screens which I selected NEXT hoping that nothing would be changed but NO it then asked if I wanted to stream online or not (I selected online) and then came the crunch, all my assistance settings have been changed to EASY and so I will have to try and remember what settings I had unless someone can tell me if there is a .cfg file on my PC which contains all the previous assistance settings and how to 'resurrect it'. Oh wow. Just found that also my user created camera settings are also lost. Thanks to Satya and his team! Grrrrrrr!
  4. Thanks for your fast responses. Wow, I know of certain advantages of having the cloud, automatic notification of updates etc but wouldn't you think that M/S would allow users to have the use of the software they have spent a lot of money on during such 'issues'. M/S is my least liked software company.
  5. I can't get it to start. It tells me to "Please insert the Microsoft Simulator Game Disk" and I have the store version which is downloaded. I researched the internet and someone suggested starting MSFS from the Xbox app which I tried and the same thing happened. What's the answer? Please don['t tell me I have to reinstall!
  6. That is correct. I might then ask why no one asked if there was a (trim) problem with any other aircraft. Maybe then I should have checked other aircraft before even posted the initial question. I should have also remembered that I had just reinstalled MSFS which could have caused a problem (changed all my assistant settings as others have mentioned from time to time in other threads). Easy to say now in hindsight. Should have 'stepped out of the square' I guess.
  7. I was thinking later and wondering why none of all those who were trying to help me and sort out the problem suggested that I look at Assistance options, Is AI trim new?
  8. Thanks I have checked security on the folder for an aircraft and it displays FULL CONTROL. The same for the parent folder and also all the sub folders for that aircraft except for one sub folder which does not have the tab named security to select. Not that I can remember..
  9. Thanks Scott How do I find out who has ownership of a folder or even a drive?
  10. I should have been more proactive instead of reactive as a similar thing happened to me a couple of years ago with water rudders on a floatplane - it was an assistant setting. Maybe if all else fails set all assistant settings OFF and then turn ON only those you really need one by one and check the result.
  11. Thanks Vaughn I think that your last reply was sent about the time as my last reply as it is now solved. What I (and everyone else) should do in the future if aircraft start to not do what is expected especially with control surfaces is to check if any assistance settings are ON and consider if they should be OFF.
  12. STOP LOOKING EVERYONE I found a youtube video on loss of elevator trim - how (I didn't find it before beats me). The problem is that the assistant settings for AI Auto-Trim was ON I have absolutely no idea how that became on unless I chose an an assistant setting which covers all of the settings for pilot which caused that one to be set ON. So damned annoying.
  13. I HAVE FOUND THE PROBLEM - refer to my last reply at the bottom of this thread. Oh I do hope so as at present the trim I set in payware and default aircraft returns to zero after I set it. Please note that I wonder if AVG reported a virus as seconds before it did I copied something into the Community Folder while MSFS was running. I don't know if that is a no no or in fact it had anything to do with it. All I know is that after the virus alarm (for MSFS) MSFS would not run anymore (starting it did nothing, nothing displayed etc) and so I uninstalled and reinstalled and ever since I have had the trim problem. Yes the problem exists on any aircraft I select ie the ATR (payware), A320, KIngair, Bonanza (all Asobo default aircraft) How could I have a custom setup? I own the store edition and installed it using the Xbox app and choose to install on my D:drive not the default C:drive.
  14. I don't know. I use a Logitech 3D Pro combined joystick/throttle In any case the problem still occurs if I unplug the joystick.
  15. If you mean all controls such as keyboard, mouse and joystick then YES all set to default. Maybe the problem is somewhere else and I would like to start with a fresh install of MSFS where there is nothing downloaded from the 'cloud' which may be stuffing up things. As a fresh never before install on my old PC has the same problem I can only assume that it does because when it is run it reads stuff written before from the 'cloud'. Why else would a fresh install on another PC logged in with the same 'username' as IO always use end up with the same problem? Please note that I believe the problem started when I was forced to uninstall and reinstall MSFS as I had received a message from AVG (my virus checker') that MSFS was infected and after that MSFS would not even start so I was forced to uninstall and reinstall. How do I set things up so that I get a completely new fresh install of MSFS as if it was the very first time I installed it. Who knows if there is something else in the 'cloud' other than input devices defaults which is causing the problem?
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