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About fs1

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  • Birthday 10/28/1975

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  1. So is not working at all? What version are you using?
  2. I have not acquired v6. Let me know if it works and may look at it later. Thanks
  3. @vl1 disable enableRollthenTakeOff by deleting this line in the config: <enableRollthenTakeOff>1</enableRollthenTakeOff> and also disable enableFastTakeOffs by deleting <enableFastTakeOffs>1</EnableFastTakeOffs> It wont make much difference. Try it and let me know. Thx
  4. Hello, there are no updates to ATCAPI, but the problem mentioned happens where there are BGLs that are no well behaved. I can't take a look at the moment at the BGL you created @vl1 but please try @787flyer suggestion.
  5. Hey, I stopped looking at ATCAPI new features at the moment. I will assure it works well for future P3D versions!
  6. @Frostee I will be looking into some code optimizations later.
  7. The latest version is I compiled to old versions ( and, to be v5.2 compatible . This is because some users are stating produces FPS loss, and they wanted older versions to be 5.2 compatible. If you are using and have no issues keep using this version. Regards, Federico
  8. Here you have compatible with 5.2 Download Link
  9. Great to hear. Let me know if it solves for users.
  10. @Balint Szarka please disable all taxi feautures and see if FPS are back. I will try to compile a version, but probably within the next days.
  11. I have uploaded version compatible with 5.2. See if FPS is better. Link here
  12. The limit is 35 kts. If you set it at higher speed, the AI may miss the exit (in the case of 90 degrees exit), that is why I capped it tp 35
  13. Good morning. This is the beta ATCAPI for P3D v5.2 It is backward compatible with all other P3D versions. https://www.dropbox.com/s/q22cfj9114id0te/ATCAPI%201-0-0-6..zip?dl=0 Let me know. Thanks!
  14. Hey All, I am posting ATCAPI https://www.dropbox.com/s/v6f07q9j1box4y1/ATCAPI.dll?dl=0 Backup your original DLL and replace it with this one. Fixes are: runway and taxi speeds are working both in v4 and v5. Stability fixes, CTD fixes, user AI fixes as well. I will be taking some time off, maybe couple of months to take care my real life business, but will be watching the forums from time to time. Also @Wolkenschreck and @cmdn and ohers such as Dmitriy can help you out with setups and help, as they been testing this DLL heavily. See you soon. Thanks Federico
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