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About TacomaSailor

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  • Birthday 07/27/1947

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    SW Florida on Charlotte Harbor
  • Interests
    sailing - bicycling (road & mountain) - pickleball addict 3hours/day - six days a week

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    Retired at age 52 and went sailing for 17-years

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  1. Not the way mine works! ESC brings up the wheel wherever the cursor is and the click spot in top right corner. I see one VERY small logo and a smallish X in a circle for the click spot. What does it matter? You have the wheel with the attendant text and icons wherever you want it. What more distraction does the logo add? Seems like a trivial complaint since the wheel is big and obvious. If you do not want to see the logo/click spot then bring up the wheel to overlay the logo and it will be almost invisible to you. Double Post - FunkyD beat me to it - his image makes it look like it was planned that way all along!
  2. I am confused! My understanding of the logo is to identify the click spot to open the settings menu. How should they identify that spot if not with text that says FloPro?
  3. I have used Flow Pro daily since it was first introduced. I have always thought that the logo in the top right corner was there to provide access to the SETTINGS Menu. If the menu icon is present and necessary - what is the harm of the FlowPro label/logo next to it? As far as making streams or video captures - the logo is only present when the wheel is present so, IMHO, the logo adds no more distraction or immersion dilution than does the wheel.
  4. I have an i7-9700K which I run at 5 GHz with water cooling. I also have a 3060Ti (8Gb) driving a 48" 4k monitor (120 Hz) and 32GB memory. Using DLSS/Frame Gen / Balanced I can see 60 FPS (locked by RTSS) in almost all places except custom airports with a lot of traffic. I flew out of KFHR (Friday Harbor - a "bespoke" Asobo airport) with Navigraph charts, FS Realistic, real weather and never saw less than 60 FPS flying for an hour around the north part of Puget Sound. My CPU stays at about 60% total over all 8-cpus with two staying above 90% most of the time. The GPU stays at 95%+ most of the time. Dev Mode FPS tells me I am GPU limited except occasionally CPU limited near airports, high def scenery, or with a lot of AI traffic. Most comparison web sites show an i7-9700K to be about 15% faster than an i7-8700 but I've also overclocked it a bit.
  5. I just restarted the PC and then started the sim. Running very nicely at 60 FPS in busy airports while using Frame Gen and DLSS/Performance. Settled the TBM at 16,000 feet/220 IAS in a cruise NNE over the southern California mountains headed from KSAN to KPSP. Turned off FG and saw a steady 40 FPS. Started Lossless Scaling (X2) and saw 80 FPS but horrible color and over saturation. Switched Capture API DXGI to WGC and the color in the sim returned to "normal" while the FPS stayed at 80, as long as the cursor was in the scaling window. Setup the RNAV (RNP) Y RWY 31L with transition at TRM. Beautiful smooth scenery and flying characteristics. Then suddenly the sim screen froze and then turned black. But the sound continued to be as expected for the TBM descending at 1500 fpm. When I clicked on the Tray Icon for the sim I saw an active screen still on the approach. But, the main sim screen was solid black. Eventually I got a "device hung" message with the main sim screen going from black for 10 seconds to a good image for 2 seconds. And finally the sim called it quits and stopped working and both my screens went to solid black. The 2nd screen is driven by a 2nd GPU card and should be totally unaware of the main sim screen. Every 20 seconds a sim screen would appear on the main screen for about 2 seconds and then disappeared into blackness. The system did not respond to the keyboard or mouse. A press of the hardware restart button worked as expected. I am very impressed with Lossless scaling when it works but boy am I having trouble making it work consistently.
  6. I do that - as I said everything works perfectly if the cursor is in the Lossless scaling window - if the sim window is in focus the lossless scaling app does not seem to update as expected. The same problem occurs in Assetto Corsa on my system.
  7. The sim runs nicely with Frame Gen on DLSS/Performance and gives me a steady 60 fps (with Lossless Scaling OFF). I turn FG off and see a steady 30 FPS as one would expect. I then turn on Lossless Scaling LSFG2.1 X2 with Scaling Mode to Auto and Type to OFF and it works just as advertised 30/60 FPS As long as the cursor is in the Lossless scaling window! If the cursor is in the sim window - the FPS drops to the 30/30 as shown in the Lossless top left display. This makes the app pretty useless - how can I use radios, instruments, switch views if every time I click or turn or key press the Lossless scaling stops working and I must then click with the mouse in the Lossless scaling window? What am I doing wrong or what do I mis-understand about the app? I've tried Multi-display mode and Legacy Windowed Mode but they do not make the Lossless scaling work unless that window is in focus.
  8. Is the mobi-flight-event-module located in Community? Have you looked at the AutoFPS log yet? It always tells me what is wrong.
  9. I am the Original Poster on this thread All I can say is that I asked my question on the TDS support forum, they promptly responded, we worked thru a couple issues and the problem was resolved. I could not ask for better support.
  10. My BIG problem with it is the loss of mouse control when I click on Scale and then the sim window. About half the time the mouse cursor disappears. I know the mouse cursor is moving because if I hit a box or tickable item it highlights but there is no mouse cursor on the screen. A second - even BIGGER issue is that the Lossless Scaling Frame Generation only works for me when the Lossless window is in focus. When the mouse cursor is working, see above, and I click on a button or knob in the sim window - the frame rate drops to half of what it is when the cursor is in the Lossless window. I see this in the LossLess Draw FPS numbers on the top left of the sim window. The FG frame rate returns to 2x when I click in the LossLess window. The app works great at generating frames but is very hard for me to use due to the two problems above.
  11. I do use VR much of the time. But, in order to eliminate it as a source of confusion I unplug my G2 Reverb from the PC. This is a fairly new problem. I have been using WMR/VR for several years and never previously had these long delays while the sim tries to load WMR files.
  12. WMR is the Microsoft interface software (started and run as a process separate from MSFS and named Mixed Reality Portal) with VR devices such as my HP G2 Reverb - my understanding is that the sim does not try to load all that software and connect with a WMR/VR device unless WMR is already loaded.
  13. Empty Community folder DLSS/Performance/FG on - all Traffic set to 0 - all airport stuff set to 0 weather clear no wind C-172 on S end of KTIW Rwy 35 cold and dark - sitting in cockpit wide view FPS starts at about 25 works its way up to 40 for a while then jumps to 60 (capped in RTSS) and stays there for a while - then suddenly drops back down to 25 to 30 and wanders around sometimes back to 40. Then suddenly 58 to 60 again ... and so forth. Not touching the mouse nor yoke nor pedals RTX 3060Ti (8 GB) stays at 98 to 99% the entire time CPU is around 40% the entire time BUT - frame time (RTSS or Dev Mode/FPS) varies from 50ms @25 FPS to 18ms at 58 FPS. CPU load does not vary. Using ProcMon64 I see that when the FPS is low and the frametime is High - the sim is reading and writing all kinds of stuff to: C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\AppRepository\Packages\Microsoft.WindowsMixedRealityRuntimeApp_113.2405.31001.0_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe\S-1-5-21-2223558818-4289340607-3817220711-1001.pckgdep AND many other files associated with WMR. There are many thousands of Create/Acquire/Release/Cleanup/Close FastIO sequences during the high frametimes. When the FPS jumps up to above 40 there is no sim read/write to WMR files. NO WMR device is connected to the PC This repetitive reading of WMR files sometimes occurs during the sim startup between clicking on FLY and having an active sim screen. The repetitive reads can last for over three minutes and then suddenly stop and the sim finishes loading. Normally that transition from FLY to active is about 85 seconds. And, other times the repetitive reading occurs about 90 seconds after I takeoff the first time in a sim session and can last up to two minutes. But, then never occurs again. I have uninstalled and reinstalled WMR. This problem is making the sim unusable much of the time. How do I stop the sim from spending all my time trying to load or activate WMR?
  14. I am not seeing the results I expected based on all the positive comments I read here. With no Lossless scaling running but with Frame Gen on I see 55 to 70 FPS (flying out of KTIW) with nothing in my community folder. When I turn FG off I see 27 to 35 FPS. I turn Lossless scaling ON with Frame Gen ON and I see 28 to 35 FPS - YES Lossless cuts my frame rate in half with FG on. With FG off and Lossless scaling ON I see 27 - 35 FPS i.e. NO improvement. The above is with Lossless at 2.1 and X2 with Scaling OFF or ON (makes no difference to results). The status section does show MSFS and the correct scaling info. When I use the Assetto Corsa (auto race sim) BenchMark I see 90 FPS with FG on and Lossless scaling off. When I turn Lossless scaling ON I see NO change in the benchmark FPS, variance, max FPS or CPU utilization. 3060 Ti (8 GB) i7-9700K @ 5.0 GHz 32GB memory and Aorus 48" 4K monitor. DLSS (nvngx_dlssg.dll 3.7.1) What am I doing wrong?
  15. Everytime the sim starts - 2 minutes AFTER I takeoff the first time - the Sim stops updating the screen, all GPU activity stops, and all but one processor goes to 0% load. This pause lasts for 67 seconds - then the sim resumes normal activity and runs perfectly for the rest of the session. Using ProcMon64 I see that the sim is loading or trying to load all kinds of Mixed reality files, keys, data. I am flying in non-VR mode. The headset is not powered up and none of the OpenXR or WMR apps are running. I find the following in the UserCfg file: WorldScalePercentVR 100 AntiAliasingVR TAA DLSSModeVR AUTO DLSSGVR 0 ReflexVR ON FSRModeVR PERFORMANCE PrimaryScalingVR 0.800000 SecondaryScalingVR 1.000000 SharpenAmountVR 1.000000 {GraphicsVR Version 1.1.0 Preset VRDefault Are either of those settings causing this problem? If not - how do I make the sim stop trying to load VR stuff?
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