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About sloppysmusic

  • Rank
    Russell Gough
  • Birthday 07/14/1963

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    London UK
  • Interests
    Making music/photography/aviation/snooker/pool/gaming/computers

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    Songwriting Sim Pilot

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    Strings or Wings, I don't mind!

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  1. While we're in the mood for songs. Here is one with a chorus I can relate to :D WNA warning!
  2. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cn09pnyrlwxo Isle of man banning cellphone use during school day. Good for them!
  3. It's definitely further down the line in the UK than the USA. Cell phone wise. But the US has no problem tracking its citizens openly. I arrived on 9/9/01 via Newark. My new 'free' country lasted 2 days.. Once the Patriot Act ( the US has such Orwellian naming conventions!) was introduced it was game over privacy wise. I spent the last 2 days with a media pass roaming the exhibitions of the Farnborough Airshow (after taking all the plane footage I needed). MASSIVE drone presence there. So many 'surveillance' banners. One video showed some guy using a tablet to view a drone footage of a US highway (us plates) and video said 'criminal interception". Guy taped on this semi and the plate came up then the drivers face then click/tap his cell phone messaging history and who he was talking to now and NOTHING looked criminal to me! What about probable cause? RIP I guess. I still have ALL my notifications turned off. Everything locked down as much as possible. I tell people I check messages when it suits me. Individually I think we can still hold out and 'resist' but 'they' don't care about us. Get the 99% on board and we'll be the die-hards in our shacks no-one takes seriously until we're extinct. I'm no tin foil hat wearer but I know this century will be the last for individual freedoms as commonly understood.
  4. I recently moved back to the UK where I had a land line and my Verizon USA number forwarded from the US for old contacts. I was somewhat disgusted to find you can't do the following without a working UK cell number (phone plan) Get car insurance Open a bank account Access your medical records from NHS. I made an appointment at a bank to help me open account as I didn't have a UK phone. At my appointment the guy in my booth was texting his gf and laughing for 5 mins before noticing me. Do you have your phone with you he asked finally? Eh? I said I booked this because I don't have one. He said sorry, come back when you have one. 2nd apt me with phone. Me - ok I have the phone your required please help with my application Him: oh, you do that yourself. Just download the app. Me: You're kidding right? WHAT app? Him: Our bank of course ( major UK bank for decades) Me: I can't find the app? Where is it? It's not on google play? Him: Do you have a UK google account? Me: wait what?! I can't open a B****** account without giving google my info?!? I have 2 USA ones can I use them? Nope - uk only ME: creates uk google account with yet another email/gets app/fills in most of application while he sends selfies to his gf or wife. Him: sorry I have another apt you need to go finish elsewhere. ME: walks downstairs to busy lobby NO cashiers only 7 machines in a semi circle. Finish app. App says you need make a deposit. ME excuse me how do I pay in this £1000 check? Official lady in room: use a machine please. ME: its a new account I can't activate without making a deposit and I can't make a deposit because it's not activated! Lady: You need to ask a team member Me: like you? Her: no one of those at that desk Me: it says desk closed Meanwhile dude from my original apt comes down (skilfully walking down circular staircase while taking a selfie) Dude: why did you leave the apt sir? Me: excuse me you TOLD me to! Dude: no, I told you to wait until I was finished and I would help Me: You haven't been doing anything but using your phone since I walked downstairs, I can see from down here Dude: I was working with another customer Me: did they have an apt like me? Can I PLEASE give you my money and go home? Lady: follow me sir Lady walks me to back of line of 10 people waiting for machines Tells me to call for her when I reach front of line ME gets to front of line NO sign of lady Hello? HELLO? HELLLLLOOOOO?!? Another lady comes: sir, please don't shout can I help? Me that last lady said she'd help me pay this check in. New lady: she went home sir. Let me assist. Oh your account will take a few hours to process/activate. I must ask you to finish with the machine as people are waiting and we are closing soon. Me: I'm not coming back tomorrow. new lady: you can pay checks in with your phone sir Me: Ahh so THAT's why you've closed branches in the 3 local towns I tried earlier? New lady: This one is closing next month sir. Sir? SIR? thank you for choosing B****** Bank! ..... Well I could write a book filled with episodes like this My (almost)last comment on those soul stealers is that their are children in the ground who would be alive today if their parents had not given them access to every weirdo and their dark intentions in the WORLD at the age of 6-8. Yet they sue META. Do you let your kids play alone in the park at midnight? NO. If you DID would you sue the city parks dept if something happened to them? People would call you irresponsible. Like they SHOULD when you give a smart phone ( not flip phone) to your kids. Rebuttal to the last part: I have personally received a phone call from a 14yos cell phone when she was locked terrified in her bedroom while her drunken/high father was trying to break the door down to beat on her. I got there after he'd punched her in the neck twice , he said take her BEFORE I do something I regret. I operated an official safe house. Took her back the next day when he'd sobered up. He explained he'd got her the phone in case he 'lost it' after partying. I think people will have chips soon anyway at birth. Black Mirror has it all covered!
  5. "It will elegantly highlight your waistline" ...unless you're a fat wna like me :O
  6. Hey CP! I read the manual for that software after you messaged me about it. From memory I swear it said both users needed to set the same weather or clear skies as otherwise the ac would not sync properly. Don't recall anyone needing to be a 'master' though. Be definitely worth reading through that manual again now you've actually flown it. I think I mentioned active sky or other weather injection would be incompatible because even if using the same settings minor changes in your as config would lead to different refresh /injection times etc and cause ac to unsync. It shouldn't matter if one of you is day and the other night I think WIND is THE deciding factor for successful syncing. If my memory turns out to be wrong I'm sorry! Busy week back to FIA today good luck!
  7. The video itself is running in slo-mo. It's a trendy setting they use these days to make people doing something, well BORING to most, look 'cool' :D So...not a frame rate issue :D
  8. I'm actually off the the FIA this morning for a couple days. I'll have to compare my photos with the updates when I get back 🤔😎
  9. One of the reasons I have been installing FSX SE again on the new computer. In the last few days I've been configuring (and flying) the following planes using fsuiipc and chaseplane (much missed). PMDG 747 (400,8), MD11 and 777f (j41 installed but too gliitchy). RealAir Lancair Legacy A2A L049 (Connie!), T6 and Mustang P51 Civilian. Don't care about the scenery quality drop flying at dawn /dusk mostly using Orbx airports each end. Active Sky /Real weather radar has been missed also. Switching between the 2 sims apart from scenery I notice a huge inertia difference. Don't know WHY but big birds in MSFS feel light as a feather but in FSX they 'feel' like heavies. That 747 mkii is unbelievably good handflying. I stayed up way too late last night doing 'just one more flight' from KSAN to KMRY. I had 3 engine fires during taxi out in the Connie before I remembered to assign a engineer the job of well.. Engineering. In msfs I own the PMDG 736 and 739, Just Fight f28 and FSW Lear.
  10. In content manager you can just delete all the liveries you don't want. You can't preview them but from the titles it's fairly obvious what they are.
  11. Over a decade later and... i9-14900f @stock ProcSpeed=8225 PerfBucket=7
  12. Shot in the dark but where are your condition levers during this process? Worth checking you don't have some conflict in controls that is pegging them/fuel at cutoff is my random thought? I don't use it myself but does everything look good on engine page of the tablet?
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