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About sloppysmusic

  • Birthday 07/14/1963

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    London UK
  • Interests
    Making music/photography/aviation/snooker/pool/gaming/computers

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    Songwriting Sim Pilot

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    Strings or Wings, I don't mind!

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  1. But can you own 2 of them and use one as captain and one as fo? I'm only asking because at the price point that's very affordable and we use both at same time in sim for monitoring etc.
  2. Concorde goes "craaaaaack.. BOOOOMMM!". Good luck!
  3. This is in working livery I guess? This has missing parameters. Copy from above. There are so many differences I'd either just copy a working one to a new section with the changed fltsim.x number and then ONLY change one line at a time starting with the TEXTURE entries then panel after checking they are correct and have corresponding folders on disc. See above for example. Good luck!
  4. Are you using airports without a control tower? Small ones basically. If so have you tried to see if the same happens with a major international airport?
  5. Is that a digital button (as opposed to analog)? If so then yes you will go from 0% braking to 100% as soon as it takes effect. I recall similar issues before I got rudder pedals with toe brakes in earlier sims.
  6. Have them both. Many great memories. The B60 I 'mastered' VOR navigation with and the Turbine showed me what happens at FL270 over central Florida in a thunderstorm cell when you push the engines too hard to climb above it. I was flying from KDAB to KATL and lost the first engine. Figured I would return to Daytona. After turning the 2nd failed and gliding down to KJAX was my only option. I also learned what prop feathering meant during that flight. I landed ok but I was genuinely stressed the whole way down.
  7. When I got p3dv5 first thing I did after adding the PMDG and RealAir birds was buy the T6 and Civ P51 again. Owned them in FSX where I had an 'infamous' tussle on their forums about rudder issues on the P51. They fixed it AND I got an apology. Class act A2A!
  8. My 2nd fave. It was the reason I got P3d in the first place. I had it and the version before it in FSX so I knew how good it was. You cheated but I'll let you off as you showed your working! The detail is what I'm after! A real list of PMDG's greatest hits here. Shame the band deleted their back catalogue.
  9. Oh i splashed out 300 for p3d and another 250 for 747 and 777 series then tried get the u but they'd pulled it too quickly for me to buy. Only the older version up for sale. Really annoys me when devs says we get no orders. Me :take my money. Them : Crickets.
  10. I tried that, was much impressed but in 5.4 had a recurring PFD map display issue( route was only ever shown as straight line from start top finish). Could not resolve with dev. Had to refund sadly.
  11. I was not allowed to buy that. My money wasn't good enough :( What a beauty.....
  12. IAS mode is my favorite mode of all for non AT jets. It appears this bird has both AT AND IAS mode? Separately I believe. I don't use GSX at all and I'm fine starting cnd letting INS align while I do my route and fuel thing. The virtual crew is independent of gsx right? I'm trying to find a manual so I won't annoy you with questions!
  13. I was waiting for you to chip in with that! I don't have it yet. Still reading up on systems. If I can navigate it where I want to as well as use pre-prepared real routes it will be my next plane. Think I'll go do some reading now, this ignorance is now annoying me! How fast can you prep it and be flying? I don't mean that Ctrl-E nonsense I mean from say a normal turnaround state to taxi? New route not one saved?
  14. You can only name ONE. That one addon you could not do without. GA or Airliner, Warbird or Fighter. Mine is the RealAir Lancair Legacy v2. I flew the v1 in FSX and it took me on several round the world trips. Then I got v2 just as RealAir stopped trading. Didn't sim for several years due to illness. Got me a new PC 2024, got MSFS. Had some fun with it. Much missing though. Got FSX working again. Got this plane flying but oh boy those scenery tiles wouldn't play ball. Good for night trips though. August 2024 got fed up and splashed out on P3dv5 pro. Installed a few great planes (but I can only name ONE here remember?). Today I spent an hour in MSFS flying the A2A bird around Wales. Or at least the box said 'flying'. It felt like a paper airplane. As paper airplanes go though, the best for sure. Booted up P3d somewhat depressed and loaded up My favourite addon of all time. Yeh the scenery was half jaw dropping and half cringe, but....oh my the FLYING. THIS plane..... Now it's YOUR turn. ONLY one remember? :D https://imgur.com/gallery/realair-lancair-legacy-p3dv5-orbx-nzmf-kh2Hgun
  15. Does Washington look any better now? 🤔😉😏
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