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About BelgianTiger_2

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  • Birthday 08/24/1985

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  1. I'm planning the same upgrade actually with the same motherboard as well :). Was great reading this actually. If i may ask,what did you chose as cooling? Air-cooled or AIO?Been reading a couple of threads and one suggest picking an AIO while the other mentions air-cooling is sufficient for this CPU.
  2. If running without this gives me +/-40fps with not all settings maxed out,could i increase certain settings with this mod?
  3. I'm actually having similar issues.loading times have definatly increased with SU14 for me. Also FSLTL keeps giving me the simconnect connection failed message. Also weird is that some aircraft like the A310/MD-11 stop working.They work again after deleting the wasm compile files and then they work. Been doubting to do a re-install/repair of MSFS but unsure if this would work.If anyone has any suggestions....
  4. Don't forget Aviotek for EDDF.They allready made it for XP12 but are making it for MSFS as well. As for LFPG, i think T2G is the only one for now. Brgds, Steven
  5. I got basicly the same setup as the OP. Would you mind sharing your settings,both for MSFS as for NCP? Thanks! Kind regards, Steven
  6. Absolutly love the plane! For those keen on the cargo variant or maybe even the A300,show some interest here : https://forum.inibuilds.com/topic/5995-ready-to-buy-a-cargo-version/ I really hope they decide to release/develop the cargo variants.... Brgds, Steven
  7. Hi gents, How does one change the key binding for the panelstates?Cause this is now interfering with my GSX/FSLabs config. Brgds, Steven
  8. word not allowed this looks awesome!Allready have your first iteration installed,but can't wait to get flying with the above!. Thanks allready for all the hard work! Brgds, Steven
  9. Thanks for the manual to get this old beauty working in P3D. I use this in v4.5 for the moment as i've not switched yet to v5 and wondered if you could help me with the following: -I seem to lack some reflection profiles for this bird.I found 1 set,but the DC-10-30F is missing and be it,that's the one i'm using the most 😄 Also the regular DC-10-30 is missing thereflection on the center fuselage. -I read on the simouthouse forum that there seem to be a panel merge for the ISG gauges flaoting around somewhere,but i'm unable to find it.Could anyone point me in the right direction for this? Thanks in advance! Brgds, Steven
  10. Hi gents, As there are so many topics before this one,i too am in need for some help chosing my next GPU. My current specs are: i7 3770k @4.5ghz 8Gb Ram GTX660ti 2Gb Now i think my GPU is in need for some upgrading.As i run GPU-Z,i can see that the card is at it's 100% usage. Now the problem i got is which one to get?I got a budget of around 400-500€. I allready found some GTX 980's for a good price,but the new 10xx series are looking promising also.Especially those 1060 series,which are also reasonably priced.but then again,for that price you can get a 1070...see my problem . I'm all open for your suggestions . Thanks in advance!
  11. Hi Ted, I installed GPU-Z and let it run as i as fiddling around(i also deleted my cfg and let it build a new one) and as expected i run the card at 97/99%.So i guess that means that the card is really the bottleneck of my current rig... I will see if i can get a new one in. If there are any other things i could try in the meantime,please let me know . Regards, Steven
  12. For me running well is that the sim is fluid and i can enjoy some of the new features that are in prepar3d,like the shadows etc. I do realize that i won't be able to run it at all sliders right,but i expected it to run smoother as i can run FSX at max and still get good/smooth frames. I know you can't really compare the 2,but i thought P3D would run smoother as it is a "fixed" FSX. As for putting in a new GFX card,i'd love to,but it has to pass the misses and you know what she'll say . Steven
  13. Hi guys, I'm a new user to P3D V3 and having some difficulties setting it up to run well. My specs are: I7 3770k OC @4.5Ghz GFX660 TI 2Gb 8Gb RAM Win7 64bit I read through various threads containing settings,but am unable to find that sweet spot. Here is my current P3D.cfg: [GRAPHICS] HDR_BRIGHTNESS=0.850000 HDR_BLOOM_THRESHOLD=3.000000 HDR_BLOOM_MAGNITUDE=1.040000 HDR_BLOOM_BLUR_SIGMA=0.800000 TONEMAP_DAY_EXPOSURE_KEY=0.280000 TONEMAP_NIGHT_EXPOSURE_KEY=0.130000 HDR_SATURATION=0.650000 MIPMAP_VC_PANELS=1 TESSELLATION=1 TEXTURE_MAX_LOAD=2048 NUM_LIGHTS=4 COCKPIT_HIGH_LOD=1 AIRCRAFT_REFLECTIONS=1 LANDING_LIGHTS=1 DAWN_DUSK_SMOOTHING=1 LENSFLARE=1 HDR=1 SHADOW_QUALITY=2 TERRAIN_SHADOW_CAST_DISTANCE=1 CLOUD_SHADOW_CAST_DISTANCE=1 OBJECT_SHADOW_CAST_DISTANCE=1 CONTENT_NO_SHADOW=0 INTERIOR_SHADOWS_CAST=1 EXTERIOR_SHADOWS_CAST=1 SIMOBJECT_SHADOWS_CAST=0 TERRAIN_SHADOWS_CAST=1 VEGETATION_SHADOWS_CAST=0 BUILDING_SHADOWS_CAST=0 CLOUD_SHADOWS_CAST=1 INTERIOR_SHADOWS_RECEIVE=1 EXTERIOR_SHADOWS_RECEIVE=1 SIMOBJECT_SHADOWS_RECEIVE=0 TERRAIN_SHADOWS_RECEIVE=1 VEGETATION_SHADOWS_RECEIVE=0 BUILDING_SHADOWS_RECEIVE=0 SHADOW_NUM_CASCADES_LOW=4 SHADOW_NUM_CASCADES_MID=5 SHADOW_NUM_CASCADES_HIGH=7 SHADOW_NUM_CASCADES_ULTRA=12 GROUND_SHADOW_TEXTURE_SIZE=2048 CLOUD_SHADOW_TEXTURE_SIZE=512 SHADOW_LOG_PARTITION_LOW=0.850000 SHADOW_LOG_PARTITION_MID=0.850000 SHADOW_LOG_PARTITION_HIGH=0.850000 SHADOW_LOG_PARTITION_ULTRA=0.850000 EFFECTS_QUALITY=1 EFFECTS_DISTANCE=1 TEXTURE_QUALITY=3 IMAGE_QUALITY=0 See_Self=1 Text_Scroll=0 [DISPLAY] ChangeTime=4.000000 TransitionTime=4.000000 TEXTURE_FILTERING=8 MSAA=4 SSAA=0 VSYNC=0 FXAA=0 TRIPLE_BUFFER=0 SKINNED_ANIMATIONS=1 TEXTURE_BANDWIDTH_MULT=30 UPPER_FRAMERATE_LIMIT=40 WideViewAspect=False FullScreenBackground=True FullScreenAutoFill=True ActiveWindowTitleTextColor=255,255,255 ActiveWindowTitleBackGroundColor=0,28,140,64 NonActiveWindowTitleTextColor=255,255,255 NonActiveWindowTitleBackGroundColor=24,33,87,64 InfoUpperLeftTextColorUser=255,0,0 InfoUpperLeftTextColorNonUser=255,127,0 InfoUpperLeftBackGroundColor=0,0,0,0 InfoUpperRightTextColor=255,0,0 InfoUpperRightBackGroundColor=0,0,0,0 InfoLowerLeftTextColor=255,255,255 InfoLowerLeftBackGroundColor=255,0,0,128 InfoLowerRightTextColor=255,255,255 InfoLowerRightBackGroundColor=255,0,0,128 InfoBrakesEnable=True InfoParkingBrakesEnable=True InfoPauseEnable=True InfoSlewEnable=True InfoStallEnable=True InfoOverspeedEnable=True InfoWeaponSystemEnable=True InfoCountermeasureEnable=True InfoUpperRightTextEnable=True Fullscreen=False [sCENERY] MaxRegionsPurgePerFrame=16 POP_FREE_AUTOGEN=1 AUTOGEN_BATCH_LOD=2 AUTOGEN_TREE_MAX_DRAW_DISTANCE=9500.000000 AUTOGEN_TREE_MIN_DISTANCE_TO_LOD=2500.000000 IMAGE_COMPLEXITY=3 [MAIN] User Objects=Airplane, Helicopter, Submersible, ExternalSim, Avatar LabelsSupported=Airplane, Helicopter Location=440,130,1480,908,\\.\DISPLAY1 ContentErrorLogging=0 ShowInfoText=1 Maximized=2 HideMenuNormal=0 HideMenuFullscreen=1 [PANELS] IMAGE_QUALITY=1 SAVE_AND_LOAD_PANEL_STATE=0 PANEL_OPACITY=100 QUICKTIPS=0 PANEL_MASKING=1 PANEL_STRETCHING=1 UNITS_OF_MEASURE=1 [WEATHER] WindshieldPrecipitationEffects=1 MinGustTime=10 MaxGustTime=500 MinGustRampSpeed=1 MaxGustRampSpeed=200 MinVarTime=5 MaxVarTime=50 MinVarRampSpeed=10 MaxVarRampSpeed=75 TurbulenceScale=1.000000 WeatherGraphDataInDialog=0 AdjustForMagVarInDialog=1 DynamicWeather=0 DownloadWindsAloft=0 DisableTurbulence=0 CLOUD_DRAW_DISTANCE=6 DETAILED_CLOUDS=1 OPTIMIZE_DENSE_CLOUDS=0 CLOUD_COVERAGE_DENSITY=7 THERMAL_VISUALS=0 VolumetricFog=1 [CONTROLS] Controls_Default=Standard Controls_Current=Standard KBDAIL=64 KBDELEV=64 KBDRUD=64 [TextInfo.1] Latitude=1,1 Longitude=1,2 Altitude=1,3 Heading=1,4 AirSpeed=1,5 WindDirectionAndSpeed=1,6 [TextInfo.2] FrameRate=1,1 LockedFrameRate=1,2 GForce=1,3 FuelPercentage=1,4 [TextInfo.3] Latitude=1,1 Longitude=1,2 Altitude=1,3 Heading=1,4 AirSpeed=1,5 WindDirectionAndSpeed=1,6 FrameRate=2,1 LockedFrameRate=2,2 GForce=2,3 FuelPercentage=2,4 [slewTextInfo.1] Latitude=1,1 Longitude=1,2 Altitude=1,3 Heading=1,4 AirSpeed=1,5 [slewTextInfo.2] FrameRate=1,1 LockedFrameRate=1,2 [slewTextInfo.3] Latitude=1,1 Longitude=1,2 Altitude=1,3 Heading=1,4 AirSpeed=1,5 FrameRate=2,1 LockedFrameRate=2,2 [Avatar] DefaultAvatar=Civilian Male White Shirt Blue Jeans [DynamicHeadMovement] LonAccelOnHeadLon=-0.020000 LonAccelOnHeadPitch=-0.010000 RollAccelOnHeadLat=0.010000 YawAccelOnHeadLat=-0.100000 RollAccelOnHeadRoll=0.100000 MaxHeadAngle=5.000000 MaxHeadOffset=0.300000 HeadMoveTimeConstant=1.000000 [VirtualCopilot] VirtualCopilotActive=0 [DISPLAY.Device.NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660 Ti.0.0] Mode=1920x1080x32 [DISPLAY.Device.NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660 Ti.0.1] Mode=1680x1050x32 [uSERINTERFACE] SHOW_SCENARIO_WINDOW=1 PAUSE_ON_LOST_FOCUS=0 PROMPT_ON_EXIT=1 RestoreTimeOnMove=1 SHOW_MISSION_CAPTIONS=1 Map_Orientation=2 [DEBUG] ReportLoadErrors=0 [TrafficManager] AirlineDensity=0 GADensity=0 FreewayDensity=0 ShipsAndFerriesDensity=0 LeisureBoatsDensity=0 IFROnly=0 AIRPORT_SCENERY_DENSITY=0 [AContain] ShowLabels=1 ShowUserLabel=0 ShowLabelManufacturer=1 ShowLabelModel=1 ShowLabelTailNumber=0 ShowLabelDistance=1 ShowLabelAltitude=1 ShowLabelAirline=0 ShowLabelAirlineAndFlightNumber=0 ShowLabelFlightPlan=0 ShowLabelContainerId=0 ShowLabelAirspeed=0 ShowLabelHeading=0 LabelDelay=1000 LabelColor=FFFF0000 [TERRAIN] LOD_RADIUS=5.500000 TESSELLATION_FACTOR=75 MESH_RESOLUTION=23 TEXTURE_RESOLUTION=28 AUTOGEN_VEGETATION_DENSITY=3 AUTOGEN_BUILDING_DENSITY=2 DETAIL_TEXTURE=1 WATER_REFLECT_CLOUDS=1 WATER_REFLECT_USERAIRCRAFT=1 WATER_REFLECT_SIMOBJECTS=0 WATER_REFLECT_TERRAIN=1 WATER_REFLECT_AUTOGEN_VEGETATION=0 WATER_REFLECT_AUTOGEN_BUILDINGS=0 WATER_REFRACT_CLOUDS=0 WATER_REFRACT_USERAIRCRAFT=0 WATER_REFRACT_SIMOBJECTS=0 WATER_REFRACT_TERRAIN=0 WATER_REFRACT_AUTOGEN_VEGETATION=0 WATER_REFRACT_AUTOGEN_BUILDINGS=0 ENABLE_BATHYMETRY=0 WATER_CLARITY=30 WATER_DETAIL=2 UseGlobalTerrainView=False [ATC] AutoOpenAirTrafficWindow=1 UsePilotVoice=1 ShowATCText=0 PilotVoice=0 COMM_MSG_AI_ATC_COLOR=0XFF8C00 COMM_MSG_ATC_AI_COLOR=0X00008B COMM_MSG_ATC_USER_COLOR=0X006400 COMM_MSG_USER_ATC_COLOR=0XA52A2A COMM_MSG_ATIS_COLOR=00000000 [iNTERNATIONAL] ASLAT=2 ASLON=0 MEASURE=1 [REALISM] PFactor=1.000000 Torque=1.000000 GyroEffect=1.000000 CrashTolerance=1.000000 General=1.000000 UnlimitedFuel=False AllowEngineDamage=True TrueAirspeed=False AutoCoord=False RealMixture=True StressDamage=True GEffect=True ManualLights=True GyroDrift=False CrashWithDyn=True CrashDetection=True OnCrashAction=0 [ATTACHMENTS] WeaponHighlight=False HighlightDuration=1.000000 AutoWeaponSwitching=False UnlimitedWeapons=False UnlimitedCountermeasures=False IgnoreAttachmentWeight=True IgnoreAttachmentForces=True [RECORDER] RecordAITraffic=True RecordAirportVehicles=True RecordLeisureBoats=True [sIM] SYSCLOCK=0 OPTIMIZE_PARTS=1 [sOUND] SOUND=1 SOUND_QUALITY=2 SOUND_LOD=0 PrimaryPlaybackDevice={DEF00000-9C6D-47ED-AAF1-4DDA8F2B5C03} VoicePlaybackDevice={DEF00002-9C6D-47ED-AAF1-4DDA8F2B5C03} VoiceCaptureDevice={DEF00003-9C6D-47ED-AAF1-4DDA8F2B5C03} [sTARTUP] DEMO=0 STARTUP_DEMO= LOAD_SIMDIRECTOR=1 LoadCorePlugins=1 LoadWindow=1 [PointOfInterestSystem] CycleSetting=0 [FACILITIES] COUNTRY= STATE= CITY= GTL_BUTTON=4096 [MISC] Com_Rate=7 [MULTIPLAYER] condAccountPassword=0 In game,i'm getting mid 10's to high 20's as FPS,but it doesn't feel fluid.I get the occasional stutters.Is this because i place my settings to high or am i missing something? It would be great if someone could give me a hand here as i really would like to ditch FSX and move on into this platform. Also,if you think i should make some hardware changes,please mention it or if you need any more info... Regards, Steven
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