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About Cpt_Piett

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    The Executor

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  1. Not sure if I understand - the image looks just as detailed with HDR vs SDR. But can understand there's personal preferences 🙂 EDIT: Misread your post. I've not tried the details filter. Re: OP - no more blurriness with HDR, which I already mentioned earlier in this thread.
  2. Same - I would say TC loads in less than 5 mins. I rarely changes my scenery addons though, and always load TC at the same time as the sim.
  3. I've used SDR in combination with GFE filters (brightness, highlights, shadows, contrast, vibrance, tint) for a few months, mainly due to regularly making videos for youtube (HDR uploads take forever). Some days ago I returned to HDR which IMO is superior in many ways - darker darks, brighter brights, more natural looking colours, image is generally more vibrant and realistic, sky and clouds look overall better - and better night lighting IMO.
  4. I've tried iniBuilds OMDB with and without LS. Stutterfest. That was with relatively high traffic settings though. Seems to be a tricky airport in terms of performance.
  5. Fascinating! Speaking of other loud sounds, I did some research after seeing this structure near Edinburgh: It turns out that the 600ft high Longanett power station chimney was demolished in 2021.
  6. I just started using HDR again after running SDR for several months. No difference in terms of blurriness. Can't think of a reason why it should happen. Could it be something else in your settings causing it?
  7. Like you, I haven't tried DX11 for several years. Pretty much since I got the 4090 oct '22. But I get excellent frame time consistency (as long as I don't run crazy high AI traffic) with DX12 and native frame gen. I've tried LS many times now, and never been completely happy with it.
  8. Hi Russel, hope you're having a blast at Farnborough, sorry I missed it. I was not using YourControls i.e. no shared cockpit session. But just after I woke up this morning I had a few epiphanies: The person who initiates the group flight has control of time and weather My friend was using Active Sky during this session I got a critical error with ASFS (AS_FSConnectorInstall.exe not present for some reason) - hence I got clear skies, no winds, QNH 1013 The last issue is the most embarrasing i.e. TDS GTNXi display being black despite the application running in the background. I was flying the Duke, and had the avionics bus switch set to standby instead of main inverter. Makes sense - I've not done many group flights, and with a lot of glitches happening lately (connection issues, loss of settings etc), I put it down to a random error due to a connection issue.
  9. For my Orbx addons I install into Orbx libraries (folders on a drive). After installing, I delete the symbolic links in the community folder. I then use addons linker to include the Orbx addons. As for the PMDG aircraft, they are recognised by the Operations Centre as long as they're in the community folder, whether by "default" or put there using addons linker.
  10. G-Sync is not working in version 2.2. At least not for me. On my OLED TV, I can bring up an overlay displaying VRR info. Using LS, refresh rate stays fixed at 100 Hz. As soon as I unscale, refresh rate changes with FPS.
  11. Bit late to the party here 🎉 Got a whooping 300 something Mbps by switching VPN locations. Going to disable Orbx London (and Dublin) for now. First flight will probably be in Scotland, perhaps from Sumburgh to Edinburgh (just got V2, yay) in the piston Duke. Hopefully EGPB is not as bad as one of the initial posts in this thread suggested (I'm only up to page 3...). Excited to test the updated DEM in Scotland and Wales (2m if I'm not mistaken according to latest dev Q&A). EDIT: Just loaded into EGPB, don't see any weird elevation issues, both runways looks good. Getting quite a bit of coastline morphing at TLOD 100 though. Better at 900, but that's of course not a viable solution in terms of fps... What's the red thing?
  12. I think that’s a different issue though. It seems mine was related to group flight.
  13. Didn’t know that. Real weather that day was not clear skies - my friend had clouds and wind. I’ll try another group flight and see if problem persists. But it does explain greyed out options.
  14. That's interesting, could explain things. Strange though that I had clear skies, pressure 29.92 and 13 degrees and not live weather.
  15. The strange thing was that all options in the weather section of the toolbar were greyed out - time as well. Never had that happen before. I did check the data options in the main menu. I was doing a group flight - could it be related? But the person I was flying with could use live weather.
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