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About davenicoll

  • Birthday 11/24/1960

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    Wellingborough, Northamptonshire

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  1. errr...silly question, Where is tis update, I just started MSFS2024 to do it and it's not prompting me like in MSFS2020..
  2. Hi guys, Firstly, Happy New Year to you all. I have now downloaded and installed MSFS2024 and it is on a separate drive all on it's own, a large M2. drive . I use the excellent addon linker in 2020 and understand it is compatible with 2024 now. When setting it up for 2024 can I just point it to all the folders I have created for 2020, EG Aircraft, Scenery etc. or do I have to create separate folders for each sim?
  3. It is, but only about 10 seconds so nothing to worry about... On a separate note I deleted all my AI traffic and the load times decreased significantly..
  4. Perfect answer above, only use the invert axis if you find it controls the wrong way round, I find my Saitek trim wheel can..
  5. I was referring to the latest hotfix driver..
  6. It does show, just the date of driver release is wrong...it shows Weds January 24 2024, no idea where they get that from lol..
  7. With an X Box it might be excellent today.... But as MSFS 2024 evolves you cannot update the hardware, with a PC you can swap out parts..
  8. Hi guys, They are all wonderful aircraft... Let's not forget the more simpler planes, like the WBSim modded 152....If we are all stuck for time we can be in the air with these in minutes and still get a flight in...
  9. I do hope so, it was an amazing add on in Prepar3d..
  10. Hi guys, Sometimes the yoke in the sim cockpit is misaligned with my physical yoke on my desk, slightly left or right. How do I move the sim cockpit to align it?...will it save that setting for that aircraft or do I have to align it each time I use that aircraft? Thank you and a Merry Xmas to you all...
  11. I also pre purchased MS2024 Premium edition but have not downloaded it yet. I expected it to have issues at the beginning but not as bad as some are reporting so glad I made the decision. MSFS2020 still looks amazing to me so happy to plod along for the foreseeable future.
  12. I'm still on it, 2024 in my account just not downloaded yet. I was waiting for a few days to see how things went with the new sim...looking at it I am sooo glad I did and now those few days have gone to probably the new year. I will of course go over but not yet, still needs a lot of work by the looks of it.
  13. That's why I raised the issue again. My thread was very quickly locked down by the mods without any reasonable explanation.
  14. Hi guys, I tried to post this on MSFS launch day but something went wrong. In the subsequent says what I was going to say has bore fruit. "I know the suggestion of having MSFS 2020 and 2024 as separate forums has been mentioned and declined, but as expected, since the launch of MSFS 2024 the dual forum is drowning in MS2024 posts and those of us who have remained with 2020, at least until all the issues etc and calmed down now "lose" our posts, having to scroll through numerous other posts and if I'm honest, the 2020 post probably get lost in the melee. Is Avsim able to revisit the thought of MSFS2020 and 2024 now having separate forums seeing the amount of 2024 traffic, after all there is separate forums for the others, including MSFS 2012 and FS9...
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