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Espana Pete

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About Espana Pete

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  • Birthday 09/02/1948

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    Continuing to grow old disgracefully

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  1. I have read the email I received several times and although I can now get an update to Venice Airport, I believe that what he has said (without stating it clearly) is that no new airports will be added to this web site as he has joined forces with AmSim. Not that I am worried as I have got my moneys worth in the past and it has offered him a springboard in getting known.
  2. In that case, never apply to be an electrician in Spain, they do it all of time. its frightening to watch.
  3. Please excuse my ignorance, but what is "Latam-routes"? Is there a breakdown anywhere that shows one what is covered by each route?
  4. To save typing out the many steps you could take to check your setup, I would suggest you try the advice in the following link first: Best Graphics Settings Guide - Flight Simulator Blog after which you could check : Performance Boost Tricks - Flight Simulator Blog If none of that helps perhaps give us a breakdown of your PC like in my signature to see if that points to any weaknesses? None of us are clairvoyant (to the best of my knowledge) so you need to give us more to go on than simply blaming the software.
  5. The number of options is growing too fast to count, male, female, non-binary, binary, digital, they, their, this, that & the other, oh and a don't know just in case.
  6. I found this YouTube video (3) Gladiator NXT EVO Quick start guide - YouTube (best to start at 3 minutes) which shows one can easily remove the springs completely. Is this the model you use?
  7. Putting aside the ethics which I agree look extremely dubious, I for one had managed to download every airport he produced before the war, so am happy with what I got for the original sum. I too would not buy another airport from him simply on principle. A fair proportion of the free downloads from flightsim.to never get updated now, so I view his original airports the same. So far as his "best future customers" are concerned, they are all now coughing up nearly as much for a single airport then we did for the whole series and with his exposure to so many in the MSFS Marketplace who probably are not aware of his past business practices, I guess he is laughing all the way to the bank.
  8. There is an important NOTE in the Guenseli changelog which you may not have noticed for this profile so as Lorby recommends going to a lower spec plugin first would certainly make most sense. Just make sure it has been updated by Guenseli to the latest stream deck version or you might be inviting further problems.
  9. Which Guenseli download are you using (plane that is)?
  10. I might well be wrong, but I am sure that if the reset button is green then AAO is talking to the Stream Deck and if AAO is picking up the type of the aircraft that you have sat on the runway then AAO is talking to MSFS. Have you double checked the Guenseli instructions, I did a fresh read, download and install just to make sure. Sorry but I cannot get on with Discord, it is the least user friendly software I have ever encountered.
  11. Tomorrow morning I shall make an appointment for an up to date eye test! 🙂
  12. Here is my System tray, no symbol even though I told Win 11 to add one (see previous image I sent as proof)
  13. This NOT from the desktop it is from the taskbar, I even selected as ON in the system tray (in image below) but that did not help either
  14. from the troubleshooting guide (right click the StreamDeck symbol in the task bar, there is an option to shut down StreamDeck at the end of the list) I did right click on the StreamDeck symbol in the task bar, but there was NO option to shut it down. There is an option to " X Close Window" in the task bar when the Stream Deck Editor is running but I presume you did not mean this?
  15. After 4 hours of trying to do this I have managed to change the port in both Stream Deck and A&O One difficulty was that when I went to “Tools->Port settings for AAO Addons” Stream Deck was the only one showing and although it has a tick box, clicking on it would not display a tick so I had to end up changing it at c - users - me - app data roaming etc settings.js then saving that, un plugging the USB for Steamdeck and restarting the PC several times. 90% of my Guenseli scripts are now working at last. Thank you again for your patience as I had great difficulty in understanding all of the A&O manuals which covered so many subject not relevant to my usage of the script, which has a brilliant wide scope but too much for what is left of my 74 year old brain.
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