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About andyjohnston.net

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  • Birthday December 28

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  1. Yes, I don't have a separate video card, just I've shown. Should I look into getting a separate one then? This PC is fairly new, and I don't want to throw good money at it without reason. If so, are you able to say what I should be looking at?
  2. I'm the only one here. I used to know about video cards and stuff, but my knowledge hasn't kept up with the latest, I'm 15+ years out-of-date. Here is the back of my computer, is the picture too blurry? https://imgur.com/a/X6qDnO1
  3. In the past, I could run MSFS just fine. Has something changed within the program which would make it that different?
  4. That sounds like something to think about. Is there any difference between the Steam and MS versions?
  5. Okay, here's something interesting. Just tried going to check the version of my video driver, because when I start MSFS it sometimes tells me my version is out of date and may cause issues. I got the following message, but it's the same connection I've always used, how can that be? https://imgur.com/a/9AuvRol When I get to the point where it asks if I want to switch to safe mode, after a bit it starts playing video of going all around the different parts of the scenery, etc.
  6. If I knew the answer, I would take care of it so I could use my flight sim. As for the event viewer, it doesn't seem to show any issues. That gives me the impression the system reaches a certain point where it hasn't actually failed, but won't go any further either.
  7. Right below it is the XBox app. I have tried running it from the ap, from the default desktop icon, from the modified icon that skips the intro movies, in safe and standard more, all with the same result. I've never tried booting Windows into safe mode to try running it, is that what you are suggesting? psolk, the only way to get rid of that so I can use my computer to do something else is by using the Task Manager and killing the process. So the executable is running.
  8. Well, like I said before, It used to be that it would go to that little screen and then right past it so quick I couldn't even see what it was doing. It never gets to the point where the sim is running.
  9. Okay, new to Imgur so I hope I did this right. Once I hit the icon on the desktop, I see the splash screen, then it checks for updates. Then it switches to a smaller, windowed screen and that's where it just hangs. It used to be that it would go to that little screen and then right past it so quick I couldn't even see what it was doing. But that isn't the case now. https://imgur.com/a/zwt9ONB
  10. I got MSFS from MS, and I only have one other game, which isn't recent. Everything worked fine until the most recent update was pushed. I was able to get a screenshot of what I see, but need to find a place where I can put it. Doesn't seem as though I can add it to an Avsim post.
  11. Ok, I'm not familiar with that. What is a fast launch and how do I do it? I've never changed my BIOS settings, no overclocking or anything. I don't want to reinstall Windows11 if I can avoid it, (don't think I could if I wanted to. I don't know if I have the media anywhere.)
  12. I haven't been able to run MSFS for a few months now. I've opened previous threads trying to explain the issues I've been having since the rollout of the last update. I've tried so many things that I've lost track. The sim launches and then goes to a smaller, all black window and never goes any further. Should I finally call it quits and give up? I'd hate to do that after having been using this product for 25ish years.
  13. I looked up Unigene Heaven, and it seems to be for overclocking and so on, which I don't do. I was able to run MSFS just fine until about mid-late May. I downloaded and installed Fur Mark and I get an interface, but I don't know what to do with it from there, can you assist? I hate to be a bother, I appreciate you being patient with me.
  14. I hope not. Is there a way to tell? I'm using Windows 11, and can post logs or setting if someone is able to assist.
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