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  1. Oh so bolded and underlined text is rude too? wow
  2. 1. that point negates your third point. Your flight shouldn't freeze since the sim has had a rolling cache from day one. 2. Content is tied to the marketplace and we were informed that the marketplace would be delayed before launch 3. See point 1.
  3. You have it all wrong, Mike. We use these sims for years and years and in that time we stream far more than 1.4TBs of data. You noticed their body language but did you also notice them saying the issue they had at launch was not the servers but the CDNs being overloaded? If 2020 got a sudden influx of users and the infrastructure wasn't prepared, it would have a lot of the same issues, even though it puts more of its assets on our storage devices. As I told someone else earlier, download options were ALWAYS on the table. They advertised this as far back as FSExpo so its inclusion has zero to do with any outrage. Also, that gate-keeper attitude does nothing good for the sim or the hobby. We need those "kiddies" since the add revenue that makes the sim better, and a lot of them end up becoming serious about the hobby like us.
  4. Could this explain why rain effects seem to be invisible on the windshield most of the time?
  5. Is it just me or does 2024 seem to do a much better job of representing what the METAR says?
  6. Optional downloading was on the table before the sim launched. The only reason we haven't been able to do it yet is because the marketplace is not operational yet for unrelated reasons.
  7. From the stream, Seb said the best use of the download option is to download a plane or airport you use and go to frequently.
  8. I am indeed well aware of the rules, which is why I started this discussion with you. Rules can be interpreted differently, especially when it comes to the subjective topic of what is and isn't disrespectful. For instance, I could take you saying you don't want to get into a debate with me as disrespectful, since I see it as you blowing me off before we've had a chance to talk things through. You on the other hand, probably see absolutely nothing wrong with it. In my opinion, as long as derogatory words are not used, respect or disrespect does not hinge on whether or not the facts are laid out and we don't have to be reminded that people's opinions are valid unless there is an attempt to shut them up.
  9. So telling someone they formed an opinion because there are some facts they're not aware of is disrespectful?
  10. And we're allowed to have opinions of other people's opinions, right?
  11. Seb, who is the CEO of Asobo said streaming was a necessity from a technical standpoint and he gave very good reasons why They never said such a thing. Seb simply spoke about what could cause a GPU with a small amount of Vram to struggle. I'm running 2024 better than 2020 with a 3070Ti.
  12. I don't know, man. That upgrade should be free considering how much they charged for what was essentially a P3D port, visually. Give the free upgrade and generate new sales with marketing hype.
  13. Doesn't have that zing
  14. I just wanted to make a rhyme, guys. Relax! lol
  15. While PMDG whines, FENIX grinds.
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