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About c912039

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  1. The data ref Navigraph is out of date on that page. Navigraph USED to use LIDO charts, however switched away from LIDO, and moved to JEPP charts for their subscription service. The text in the article above refers to Navigraph using LIDO, which is no longer correct.
  2. I am a former P3D user, with many GF units programmed in Pollypot. Ive made the jump to MSFS, and programming the GF units in Pollypot in MSFS is just as easy, and should you ever want to try out GF with MSFS, I'll provide you with any programming assistance you may want. I also used AIG & AI Companion in P3D, and likewise, was easy to use these with MSFS.
  3. This is really whats happening on the Mars surface: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PFAbTLWiK20
  4. Or rounded up to $25 to make it easier round number for customers to deal with, and an extra bit of profit.
  5. How is this related in any way to the OP's request for something for XP12 that is similar to what FSHUD & FSIPANEL offer?
  6. To be truthful, I'm finding comments like this hard to understand, when, 'over the fence', you called MSFS the 'GTA Flight Sim' just 2 days ago.
  7. It’s a module for your Notepad++ app that you are using to edit the config file.
  8. It will be released about 24 hrs after SU13 update FINALLY completes all its decompressing 🙂 (some time next year)
  9. Another Captain Sim "ASO" (Aircraft Shaped Object) 😞
  10. Hi Mike, New update of REX went and deleted my entire Community folder (I had selected the custom Community folder option when installing). I entered by REX Axis details for registration, and the app seemed to accept this and I was able to go through settings. I opted to download one of the extra sets during this session, but then though better of it and clicked the option to remove the extra set. Given the app probably didnt think the authentication was correct (but failed to advise me on this first run) its likely the delete/removal action for the extra scenery set actually deleted the entire community folder.I'm guessing its a bug as the app was probably in an inconsistent state.
  11. I came across this problem quite a while ago. When I posted a question about this, I was told that I had to raise my trust level, and that is based on how many posts you make in the forum. So I set about asking new questions, posting responses to existing threads to boost my trust level up enough so I could vote without restriction.
  12. I use a 3DConnexion SpaceMouse (Wireless or Compact version) which provides so many useful axis that are just perfect for controlling camera views. The only downside is that they arent cheap.
  13. Thats really bad jibe to make! I was an early adopter of Xplane, and back in the day with either XP5 or XP6, there were some major bugs, that went untouched for at least 6 or 9 months, and Austin was missing in action. Why? Because he had just obtained data for the surface of Mars and thought it was way cooler to build a Mars surface to fly around in XPlane instead of fixing some really annoying bugs. It was at this point that I decided to ditch Xplane, because it was evident that bug fixes/improvements etc were the sole discretion of one guy and what peaked his interest at that time. It wasnt until many years later when more people eventually got involved with assisting Austin, that I gained interest again.
  14. I often use this resource for my flightplans: https://edi-gla.co.uk/
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