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John Fields

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About John Fields

  • Birthday 11/17/1949

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  • Location
    València, Spain

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    Flying Microsoft Flight Simulator since 1997

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  1. Hi, everyone, I've downloaded the, but it seems it's the previous version test2 instead. Greetings
  2. Thank you, MaGer1965, But what about those who don't have AAO? Like myself... Are there any other possible method to do it? Greetings
  3. Hi, everyone, Some places are worse than others. But those big ugly globular trees are always horrendous. So, in my case, and for the moment, I have disabled the PG. Greetings
  4. Well, that's good news, but my rig is quite old, so... I'm preparing my wallet! Cheers!
  5. Hi, Bigmack, Not only the graphic card! Think about the motherboard, the processor (of course!), perhaps the pc power supply, the RAM... well, that's a new PC! Greetings
  6. Hi, Darkmantle! I had the same problem as you have. In order to make the Logitech Multi Panel functioning, you must do these five steps: 1. First, install the Logitech driver (I know it is old, but it will work). 2. Search this path in MSFS 2024: C:\Users\YourUser\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\SystemAppData\wgs 3. Copy the following text and put it in a txt file: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="Windows-1252"?> <SimBase.Document Type="SimConnect" version="1,0"> <Descr>SimConnect</Descr> <Filename>SimConnect.xml</Filename> <Disabled>False</Disabled> <Launch.Addon> <Name>Logitech Microsoft Flight Simulator Plugin Steam</Name> <Disabled>False</Disabled> <Path>C:\Program Files\Logitech\Microsoft Flight Simulator Plugin\LogiMicrosoftFlightSimulator.exe</Path> <CommandLine>-r</CommandLine> </Launch.Addon> </SimBase.Document> 4. Rename the text file to "exe.xml" (without the quotes). 5. Copy the file "exe.xml" in the path you found in MSFS 2024 That's all. By the way, Logitech should adapt the driver install for FS2024! I don't know what are they waiting for! Greetings
  7. Thank you Cpt_Piett! I'll try next time it happens! Greetings
  8. Hi, It's not just the Fenix! I had the same problem with the DA62X and the Draco X recently. Full throttle, no parking brakes and not moving an inch! Regards
  9. Hi, You’re not alone! I had that issue for two or more days before Christmas. It seems a problem with the servers. Greetings.
  10. Hi, everyone, I had a very bad time flying today with the ATC (MS2024). The ATC was talking and talking all the time, and I couldn't deactivate de IFR mode (I had my fly plan with VFR!). I think it's not just only my problem. But, please are there any solution to fly VFR with ATC without issues? Is there any possibility to configure the ATC to act like in MS2020? If not, is there any ATC external software for MS2024? Greetings
  11. Thank you, Bad_T! You are always so attentive and willing to help! Greetings
  12. Hi, Just one question: this setting does disappear when DEV mode is out? Thank you in advance
  13. Hi, everyone, Mashallers disappeared and also, in some cases, all the airport ground personnel. It's pathetic to land at a big or medium size airport and see no one! Greetings
  14. Thank you, Vincent! Cheers
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