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About Iceman2

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  1. One of the best VR experiences out of all the tubeliners available. Beautiful 3D cockpit modeling, highly detailed and clear textures. Truely an amazing product worth every dollar and then some. IM
  2. I purchased it just for the work they did on the GSX file but the video is a fantastic bonus. Very well put together and absolutely worth every cent. Very professionally presented, a must for all sim enthusiasts. Great Job Airline2Sim. Ready for the next one. IM
  3. There is always someone that sux the fun out of everything bcoz it pleases them. I think the mods do extremely well considering the hostile environment that gets created from time to time. I see so many dedicated people helping folks tirelessly day in day out for no real reward. As a real world airline pilot I know the unpredictability, the hazardous, the hardship and the differences of opinion that complicate the industry and yet it is so rewarding after all these many years of flying. Flight simming, the website and the Avsim community offer an escape from reality no matter what profession we are all in. Long live Avsim and all the wonderful people behind. Im very happy to be able to send some money your way. IM
  4. Good point. The key to a successful ATC handing is in the preparation. Bad data in bad data out. Poor planning will most definitely cause terrain issues.
  5. I’ve had that in real life once. Told to turn left but ATC meant to say right and away from the mountains. I haven’t had too many issues like this with PF3.
  6. PF3 works just fine for me, updated regularly and does as advertise. For serious Flight Simmers who strive for reality. That's not to say that non serious simmers can't enjoy PF3 too. Just MHO. ICE
  7. Folks, Been doing some more flying round with AS16 and believe it is worth the money. I'm positive there is a performance increase over soft clouds and I don't get any stutters anymore when the storm clouds appear. As for the looks, I'm very happy with the cloud art and I like the way the textures change over time when required. IM
  8. I think its a must as far as WX engines go if you can spare the money. I've tried them all and have been using ASN for awhile now. I prefer AS16 because the visibility has been improved and TS in the distance stick out better, higher and meaner looking. I don't notice any performance hit like I did with soft clouds when storms are around. (smooth flying all round) A big bonus for me is the AI contrails show up further in the distance, I can now see the contrails well before I spot the actual aircraft (this is a first) and the contrails don't disappear then reappear strangely like in all the other WX engines I've tried. (I've set all my contrails to -49 degs so depending on the upper temperatures on the day the contrails appear around FL350 and above) All very perfect in my book. Well done HIFI. IM
  9. Well said Erich, 55' or 65" I doubt if it would make a huge difference or noticeable. thanks for reporting you experience IM
  10. I'd go for a 55'' if the budget allows. Most 4k TVs these days are 60hz and above so adjustments in Nvidia Control Panel will be necessary to set 30hz. I have a Samsung 65'' UHD running P3D and love it. The picture quality is amazing and whilst the size of the TV at unboxing seemed ridiculous, once in play the size is dwarfed by the immersion. Im
  11. Awesome Ses, Thanks for sharing. I noticed a huge change in picture quality when advancing to an UHD TV. (4K) IM
  12. Thanks Rich, I'll try FIBER_FRAME_TIME_FRACTION=0.40, I have tried 50 before but I didn't notice anything different and I assumed this was because I was running Frame Rates unlimited. Appreciate your replies. IM
  13. Hi Rich, Less obvious during the night and I can live with that after dark, however I just don't get why most of my textures (if not All) are loading blurry. Back in the old days when hardware was weak I would often see clear textures after loading then slowly scenery would deteriorate as the system bottlenecked as we pushed for more eye candy. If I load P3d V3.2 without any eye candy except the ground textures to max resolution I'm certainly not bottlenecking anything here with a 6700k and Titan X. The GPU and CPU are almost idle when the sim is paused mid flight and stock aircraft. Must be an AM thing. I'm running HT on and AM 85 gives me the best fluid flight, but its so hard to tell as all numbers I've tried are fine and smooth. Non of which stop a complete blurry texture load though. I do have an UHD TV that perhaps shows more fine detail than I've been use to and 361.91 drivers. I'm interested to know if the sim should be loading textures clearly at startup at least. thx IM
  14. I just tested with no auto gen no water just: Level of detail MAX'd, Tessellation Ultra, Mesh Resolution MAX'd Texture Resolution MAX'd Land detail textures checked And everything else turned down with a 6700k and Titan X and still have very blurry ground textures. So annoying IM
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