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About Sesquashtoo

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  1. I actually had my Cessna 172 Float bucking like a bronco, BEFORE I installed FSRealistic v2.0.5 and Frank, never did change the camera movement within the app. So, with the default FS REAL v2.0.5 settings, I am getting a truly wonderful real-life head movement visual experience when turbulence is encountered. I just got v2.0.6 and installed before coming onto this thread. So, later I will give that a whirl (with still default settings as placed upon my 172 Float...and see if there are any changes for even the better or worse then what I found entirely acceptable with default v2.0.5.
  2. Right....I deleted that post...and yes, still on General Release SU 10. Sorry for that confusion. Yes, running with SU 10
  3. It is FS Realistic, Michael. The latest will be a hotfix turned out within 48 hours...to v2.0.6
  4. David...not FSR....but FS Realistic...v 2.0.5, just released. THAT is the program also running along side Google Maps. There is a hotfix for v2.0.5 to v2.0.6. that will released within 48 hours. Just got notification.
  5. CPU: i7-980 Extreme 4 core GPU FTW 1070 (non Ti) Total System Memory: 12 GB (max allowed for my Dell Motherboard) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The performance of Update 10, and the latest nVidia (just released) has been nothing but ***stupendous***! Adding in all the fixes and enhancement to FSR2.0.5 (just released) has given me the absolute BEST animation and a totally believable real world (head movement and aural effects) in all my 45 years at this hobby. I am beyond the words; thrilled and satisfied! Installing FSR2.0.5 brought the entire 'flight experience' to actually at the total in-cabin real life environment and believability. With the DX12 in-sim BETA in place, and the latest nVidia Driver Suite, (didn't even get this beyond belief animation fluidity with the prior latest) I am having the best flight simulation experience EVER, even taking into account any of my three installed flight sim's. On my above mentioned system, I am getting with all settings at Ultra, and both LODS set to 200, a never go below 29 FPS, and peaks into 33 FPS. Any stutter event, even of a micro nature has vanished. This is even with Real Time weather in heavy cloud and rain. I truly realize that I will never again fire up my XP11 franchise now...not with always running over Google 1 maps.....and that I can truly now walk away from my Orbx and other software collections, the reams of GB's of Ortho4XP tiles...and not have any regrets. It will now be deleted to reclaim hundreds of GB's of system storage. MSFS Update 10, using even DX 12 in BETA, and only one program, (I have others, ..but the most noted to bring home the most authentic sense of real world flight having both Alternative maps, and FSR2.0.5 is the most believable sense of being in a real plane (I fly only G.A. with my preference the Cessna 172 Float) to have ever come up on my computer screen. Folks, I am BEYOND the word, happy and sim contented. MSFS Update 10 is is giving me simply stupendous performance, with an older GPU not costing multi thousands of dollars. At 29/33 FPS, the sim is now visually indistinguishable from real world animation. In my opinion. I am the one sitting in front of my computer monitor. For that, my personal opinion is all that matters in front of me.
  6. The load bar usually hangs about near the middle load mark. A always-works simple trick to get it to move forward right, is to merely press the WINDOWS key, to bring up the bottom menus and once more to hide them. This will get MSFS to focus once more on the loading in .....
  7. With DX11, on my 1070, I had micro stutter in animation. With using DX12 that is gone.
  8. Of course, my card does not engage DLSS, so for myself...off is the sweet note.
  9. Being that is new...I'm not sure, but only after I turned Sharpening off, did I get back great and visually appealing graphics.
  10. In the POST PROCESS section. There is one there for SHARPENING that you would set to 0. There is ALSO, another one in the POST PROCESS section father down below for those that run VR. If you do, I guess you'd want to set that one to 0 as well.
  11. It seems it resets with every and any update. That is the first I check, out of dropping to Desktop after an update.
  12. With any setting. You simply will get better and 'smoother' graphics visuals.
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