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  1. Ok found the issue (oversight).....Under Customization, Show Tailnumber was set to OFF, turning that to ON brings the tail number and plate back.
  2. Same here, saw it wasn't there on my Longitude but not sure when it started or why.
  3. I'm getting it too....Something happened on our end. Here’s the error code, in case you need it: 0x87E10BC6
  4. Sat at LEBL for about 10 or 15 mins and suddenly weather was injected. I am now sitting at CYVR to see if and how long it takes for it to change.
  5. This morning I am getting updated METAR and is correct at all the airports I have tested and compared to real time METAR. However, the weather is not depicted in the SIM, still getting clear skies regardless of the actual METAR in SIM. I guess it's a step forward......
  6. Agreed, not a big deal. Can't be missing steps, after all the data is entered, I can simply switch the sim settings and redo the calculation, and it only works when set in kg,meters...... as soon as you change your setting to lbs, ft....and recalculate the performance, I don't get the retraction speeds.
  7. @SKEWR your guess is right...it only works when you set the aircraft to use Meters, HPA and KG.
  8. On EFB Perfomance Page, it doesn't give me the flap retraction speeds when I use it, but I do see Youtubers getting green values there. I only get the V1, V2 and Vr speeds returned. What am I missing?
  9. Thank you sd_flyer. With the bindings set, the switches do move and stay in the right locations. But the lights stay on regardless, hopefully something that with get sorted out soon.
  10. In the cold and dark state, NAV, BEACON, TAXI, LANDING and STROBE lights are all ON. In the cockpit, the switches are in the OFF position. Landing light and taxi / takeoff light switches don't work in my SIM. I have tried different liveries and I continue to experience the problem. I see some youtubers are able to at least be able to use the light switches in their cockpit and I am not sure how they are able to. Is anyone else having problems with lights? More importantly, does anyone know if there is a fix to this?
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