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St Mawgan

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  1. Fake news, nipped in the bud 👍
  2. I imagine the same applies for Call of Duty.
  3. I agree. This is the best function on the official forum. Here you can ignore users which is great but there you can zap entire threads forever. I'm guessing their forum was a bit more expensive to set up than this one which always seems to be hanging on by a thread.
  4. Unfortunately the change logs are removed when you download and install the update on ORBX and I can't find anything on Discord. There was a bigger update last week I think, this one was pretty minor. edit - today was just - 'Fixed aileron sensitivity at high speeds'.
  5. Ok then. I'm sorry it isn't working for you.
  6. Hopefully in the next few days. I see there is a small update to the DA-42 today. I love that about this developer, they provide great long term support.
  7. Mine doesn't. 2020 stuttered a lot more and I upgraded to 64 shortly before I upgraded to 2024.
  8. You sound like one of the moderators 😉
  9. I also don't use either. Great products if you need them I'm sure and I would be first in the queue but I honestly don't need them. There is always a danger I think that when things like this come out everyone rushes to install them and then the common wisdom in these forums is that they are necessary in order to 'do MSFS properly'. And then people just install them by default without even knowing what they do. It's nuts.
  10. I've been flying the 42 for hours today. I've no doubt this will be of the same quality which makes it a must have.
  11. Innnnnnn the red corner ....................
  12. Mine was binned in November. It's in the same mental 'drawer' as FSX, FS9, FS2004 etc etc back to Psion Flight Simulator for my ZX81. All great in their time and fondly remembered but, history.
  13. Reminds me of the 'What have the Romans ever done for us' sketch 🙂
  14. Forget all of the default aircraft. There is a world of add-ons which blow them away and you will have access to everything if you buy from outside the marketplace.
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