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About Alvega

  • Birthday 02/20/1964

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  1. Is this the one you're trying? https://discord.gg/25DjjGPp
  2. Flysimware Sierra C24R.
  3. Nope, it's fine here. Some guy had that problem on their Discord and he said it was because he had a conflict with another 152. Make sure sure you just have the latest version of the WB-Sim 152 in your community folder.
  4. No problem here with the heading bug. Must be something on your side. Check that you don't have any binding conflict.
  5. I've been using the JPL 152 in MSFS 2024 without any major problems. It seems there will be a new version for 2024 soon though.
  6. I installed it 1 month ago and don't have any problems.
  7. Same here. Used to be seconds before 2024 was released.
  8. I see you're calling the file "host" instead of "hosts" (which is the correct name). Are you sure you have it with the correct name in your system? If you named it "host" it won't work.
  9. Nope, never seen it.
  10. So we need to install a G3X plugin from the content manager? Thought the new G3X was the default one now and we didn't need to install anything.
  11. Check that you have the mouse profile set to default.
  12. I also agree. Best performance of the latest betas. Looks like there is much less load on the GPU after they fixed the DX12 bleeding issues.
  13. Guess that's why I don't see it too, I only use outside views in cruise.
  14. That's odd, you have some bad texture morphing there at TFFJ, I just checked on mine and I don't have it.
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