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  1. Exactly this. All these conspiracy theories and bad financial market analyses people come up with and it simply boils down to this. Gaming industry, among many others, have been hit with mass layoffs and restructurings post-covid because they saw a surge that wasn't going to last and hired thousands of people and now the market is settling once more.
  2. Are you sure it's the Tjmax you want to change? Not something you should mess with, ever nor does most motherboards even have that ability, that's integral to the chip specifications.
  3. Looks nice but definitely holding off until 2024. It might work but don't know what the visual changes will be and how much this will have an impact, if I even feel it's needed at all at that point. However, it looks very much like the look I go for when using ReShade, turn down the red channel and get some more blue going, does a lot for MSFS. Asobo went very hard on the red channel in the colour grading process for some reason.
  4. or maybe people have been around long enough to know exactly what they are in for and can deal with it. A few bugs and issues certainly won't detract from the experience. I was part of the MSFS alpha all the way to release and nothing in that experience took away from enjoying it.
  5. Site has been very shaky for months. Started with occasional speed issues, errors that would disappear after a single refresh, remember one night everything looked like it was 500% size, to now it's having major speed and load issues to downtime lasting hours. Something has been going on behind the scenes with the server for a long time and it isn't just extra traffic.
  6. Do note that you can't really defrag an SSD in this day and age. Most software, including Windows' own function will detect the fact that it's an SSD and just run the SSD trim function.
  7. Yeah, you said it 3 times now in your bid to get attention and I'm still failing to understand why you are quoting me or having to tell me / us this? It's a conversation about a CPU performance increase, not a flat universal performance increase to MSFS. No you won't benefit in a GPU bound scenario, obviously.
  8. Well, you're bound to be disappointed when you don't understand how the performance increases work or that CPU gains won't help you in GPU bottlenecked scenarios.
  9. That's true but you always test CPU at lower resolutions, to show the actual CPU gains. At higher resolutions and in VR, you'd most likely be GPU bound, then increased CPU speeds won't do much. But they show a 15% performance increase in MSFS, so in more CPU bound scenarios, you'll definitely see it. I ain't complaining about free performance 👍
  10. Why is an adult man of retirement age saying "LOL", it's cringyworthy Bob and crazy enough, imagine being able to extrapolate relevant, useful data like actual users within the simulation and gaming sphere as opposed to millions of office machines that will run whatever Windows was rolled out at the time is for another decade, same reason why Windows 7 was still being heavily used in office environments well beyond its expiry date. Same reason why developers use Steam data as their reference, because it's relevant, not what 10 million junk office machines are running.
  11. Steam has 132 million active users and it's one of the most valid hard- and software surveys we have. Not some random garbage stat website that counts god knows what, probably junk like Google trends. The Steam survey is actual data, from people who play games and fly simulators.
  12. I highly recommend the LTSC version. Completely stripped, official version so no third party tampering or scripts that need to be run, plus you only receive security updates, not feature updates.
  13. Oh like the Steam hardware survey, the biggest hardware survey on the planet that says Windows 10 is at 50% and decreasing and Windows 11 at 45% and increasing? https://store.steampowered.com/hwsurvey/Steam-Hardware-Software-Survey-Welcome-to-Steam
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