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  1. yes, site is online again and gizmo connects
  2. same here, gizmo not connecting ...
  3. Been flying the LES DC3 exclusively for some days now and it's extremely satisfying. I do wish for a ski version and more liveries. It needs an update for the passenger windows, the row of windows is too high on the fuselage, guess liveries start coming after that fix. Flying this bird is great fun and quite immersive.
  4. I have all three and really like the LES. I have a yoke, throttles and good rudder pedals, disable "Rudder Controls Differential Throttles" and "Rudder Controls Differential Braking" and leave Sensivity at 1. It's a blast to fly! Needs more liveries...
  5. The Felis 747 200 is fantastic
  6. MU2 - SF260 - AFL KA350 - Thranda C206 - Q4XP, to name a few
  7. Get the FlyJSim Q4XP, it's great.
  8. pls attach the log file instead of post it like this ...
  9. Bought the Toliss A321 at the Labor Day sale, thanks!
  10. Have my eyes set on Toliss, what bird should I buy for my first Airbus? 319, 320 or 321?
  11. So many choices but sounds are so important for the Islanders and only Nimbus seems to get it right.
  12. Absolutely, had to dial down my overclocked cpu ...
  13. The Crash reporting is certainly working, this update is crashing all the time...
  14. If I disable SkyMaxx Pro 3,1 the problem goes away, did not have this before updating to 3,1
  15. What weather injectors does RWC support apart from native X-Plane? Efass/UltraWX? FS Global Real Weather?
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