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About Seven7

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  • Birthday 09/07/1990

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  1. I seen the video and well, ok, it can extend the view but it's not what I expected when thinking multiples screens. I'd like more to see, for exemple, instruments (cokpit) in monitor 1 and external view in the monitor 2.
  2. Tried it and I have the same image in the 2 screens, so I don't really see the interest.
  3. I'm wondering why no one develops the venerable Boieng 707. It was a great aircraft. Any idea?
  4. Bought it but... At the download link, it asks a verification code, send it to my email, I put it in the field and, again, it return back to asks verification code and etc etc.... So, I can't download the product. Annoying and irritating.
  5. Well something with a realistic cokpit. I'm a bit tired of all these unrealistic ones, so I bought nothing since the Kodiak and the DC-6.
  6. Phone number? Sorry but no. Already I don't like this Discord and this new sort of "fashion" to try to attract people there for each single little reason.
  7. Excuse me, Mr Jdonner, but if someone makes a video in "3th person", it don't means he/she is a noob. I do that sometimes, like a lot here, and I fly since 10 years (RL and virtual), like a lot here also.. Have a good day.
  8. Yes, Tom, I have it also in the windowsApp folder but windows don't let me access there.
  9. It's here : C:\Users\whipa\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\ But the file is usualy hidden and that's pretty annoying.
  10. I get this only and always when I load a saved flight.... Never with a new flight.
  11. Yes, i did this, just copying the folders in scenery and all's fine. And congrats for the PhD ! =)
  12. yeah i downloaded the torrent also but there I got only the scenery files and no install soft for. I could copy some in the P3D (Asia, for example) but for some others, like USA, i did not find same folder's names in P3D.. it's why i tried whith the installer =)
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