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About uwespeed

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    near EDDN

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  1. So ... guys ... do you want more? YEEEESSS !!! 😀
  2. There are other (much better) places to discuss X-Plane ...And the reasons for not visiting avsim might 😉 be obvious.
  3. Some more pics ... (not more than 2, though). To be clear, not my pictures but as written further above, from the respective org-thread.
  4. A mod wrote recently here that IIRC more than 2 shots are in post, it will be moved to the "Screenshots and Videos". Thus, here are 2 more 😉. Flying the Beta Alia from LGMK to LGSR.
  5. There's a thread called "What Plane Did You Fly Today?" at the org. When I find nice pictures, I will post them here. Source: https://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/forums/topic/23517-what-plane-did-you-fly-today-maximum-2-shots-per-post-one-post-per-day-please/&do=findComment&comment=2722589
  6. Source: https://www.facebook.com/XPlaneOfficial/posts/pfbid02U6gYweCzGbuwuNd3zPCV7GfrVX4qxjCx9VY6Tu3mb64YmcrtiKbrT9fBzYYs5gJvl
  7. But please no static pebbles, shouldn't it be possible with the particle effects to have them rolling through the river?
  8. Originally I posted this in the X-Plane subforum for letting people know about the new airport. However (due to the included screenshots?) it was moved to the Screen Shots forum. Thus, I feel encouraged to post some more screenshots 😉. The cars have local colour (i.e. the registration numbers fit to the city of Brasov). pizzaHOT is really existing 🙂🍕 (pizzahot.ro) in Brasov. EDILROM (further above), too.
  9. As the name says 😉: you can download it here. Gimmick The amount of cars on the parking area is dependant on the hour of day
  10. https://www.facebook.com/XPlaneOfficial/posts/pfbid025UhRVSqG65zS1NuADRFRx7YBvTA8pakq232N11r8zshhrk4xNP24Zxp5skJyL5WEl
  11. Check it out: https://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/files/file/89497-decal-for-low-res-orthophoto/. Video:
  12. As I don't own the Steam version, unfortunately I don't have a direct answer (apart from that Steam may interfere with controllers in some way from what I know from other titles). But, if you want to use X-Plane regularly, I would recommend x-plane.org* as forum because there are (for obvious reasons 🙂) the most X-Plane users. * It is not affiliated with Laminar Research but "only" a dedicated forum for X-Plane. BTW, in my opinion it's always better to buy from the original vendor than from Steam - applies also for other titles.
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