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About charliearon

  • Rank
    Member - 5,000+
  • Birthday 02/18/1949

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    KSFO (Not the radio staion)
  • Interests
    FSX S.F. Giants/Niners

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    Work? There ain't no such thing. Everyday is vacation day.
    Coffee breaks when I want! Happy Hour-Hourly!

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  1. Looks like they went out of business! I see other sites still selling the A300!
  2. Re-watching that video, I would bet that guy was a "nervous Nellie" and wanted his finger in the loop, just in case he needed to pull it. He may have thought he'd have a problem getting his finger there if he needed a quick response. Sort of like some drivers who keep their left foot either near or on the brake pedal in case they need to brake suddenly. OK, just sent an email to Jetson1 about the finger pull loop. Let's see If I get and answer back!
  3. Here is a better shot of the cockpit and the pilot's left hand on the throttle. I'm fairly sure the loop is made of a strong cord and not just string. My bet is still the parachute rip cord!
  4. Odd! If it ain't safe with the astronuts onboard, how would it be steered remotely to get it to de-orbit and come down safely?
  5. According to the Jetson 1 site there are 2 controllers. On the right is the joystick for direction and on the left is the throttle for speed and altitude. Never seen him increase or decrease anything to go up or land. Possible that it's there to release the safety chute??
  6. When I was working in downtown San Francisco, I saw several women and men staring at their cellphones and walking into a sidewalk cargo elevator. People do the stupidest things!
  7. Bongos! I like bongos!
  8. You might try here: https://flightsim.to/requests/liveries
  9. What Sim? My guess is that ADMIN figured there was not enough traffic on the request forum to keep it going.
  10. Known as the "Big Bada-Boom"! My biggest fan...Leeloo!
  11. I could probably beat that just by lighting a match! 🤣
  12. The Brits do it in the same way they have for hundreds of years. First born rules the waves!
  13. On a cliff walk or walking off a cliff, Martin?? I would have headed to the nearest pub! 🍺
  14. @Mike A Link works fine, Mike!
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