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About stans

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  1. Yes, but that is SpaceX, could Boeing successfully do such a thing?
  2. Yep, seems that NASA currently has no plan for returning the Boeing Starliner capsule to Earth. With multiple helium leaks, there is concern that the capsule may not be safe to return the two crew members to Earth, so they may be hitching a ride on another platform. So is this where we now start saying, "if it's Boeing, it's going one way"? https://nypost.com/2024/07/25/us-news/astronauts-stuck-in-space-for-49-days-by-malfunctioning-boeing-spacecraft-cant-return-home-for-weeks/
  3. A message from the horse: "My sincerest apologies to those who I may have bitten. Please understand that I have to basically stand in one place all day long, it's quite tiring. To make matters worse, I have to stand in my own excrement and urine. Add to that is that there is some bloke sitting on my back and he tugs at my reigns every time I try to move about. Speaking of reigns, how would you feel if you had a to wear a chunk of metal in your mouth attached to leather straps all day? Then you get these imbecilic tourists who want to get all cuddly with me and I'm just not in the mood! Then along comes some tart who smells like apples and I'm thinking she's an apple tart, so I'll just take a nibble. Then everyone gets all bent out of shape because I did something that we horses naturally do. My keepers even put up a sign warning you of my natural instincts, yet you still engage in the very behaviour that puts you into my realm. What is wrong with you humans? Are you that stupid? All you bloody tourists can just sod off! I'm just a horse." The horse may have to issue another apology for the previous message.
  4. Yeah... ummmmm... think I'll just stick to a healthful diet.
  5. stans

    Talented Girl.

    I have always liked Classical Gas.
  6. So I'm to trust my life to a company that doesn't understand the difference between "jet" and "ducted fan"? Not exactly inspiring of confidence when you mislabel your own product. 😂
  7. I used to use AVG or Avast!, but when I moved away from Windows XP, I just relied upon MS Windows Defender. It seems to work well, then again, I do not click on unknown links and I do not visit questionable websites.
  8. Feed me some Taco Bell refried bean burritos and then give me a little time. I can be a weapon of mass disgust. 😁
  9. Whooooo-whee! That's roast a marshmallow in a nanosecond.
  10. You don't really expect today's journalists to actually get the facts, do you? 😂 Besides, most people today would not understand the difference between piston-prop, turbo-prop, turbo-fan, and ducted-fan. It's just a plane to them and putting "ducted fan" into the title of the article would confuse them.
  11. stans

    Figure 1

    Anyone else think of the Borg Queen when they see "Sophia" or is it just me?
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