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Mike A

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    San Francisco, CA

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  1. It would suck if you were pulled into one😱
  2. Bingo.
  3. Oh, I'm aware of that. That's why it generates so much hate. If you hear it for the first time, it's unremarkable. But if you hear it multiple times a day for 15+ years, it's torture🤪 Fun fact: The B side of this record played the same song backwards.
  4. @martin-w As January 10th is on final approach here at 2245 Pacific Standard Time, I hope you had a great birthday 🎉 🥳🎂🎈🎁 We celebrated your birthday this morning by having an earthquake (3.7) and two aftershocks (2.5, 3.0) https://www.sfgate.com/bayarea/article/preliminary-magnitude-3-7-earthquake-strikes-near-20026930.php So, San Francisco sent “3 cheers” in your honor. We hope you had a rollicking good time on your day!
  5. If you think I’m joking about this, I’m not Check out this article about this song. If I can’t turn the radio off in time, I cope by singing along. The last line of every stanza is “Donate your car today”. I replace those lyrics by yelling “ DONATE YOUR KIDS TODAY!”
  6. NOOOOOOOO!!! I HATE that tune 😬 The International Criminal Court should declare playing that tune on the radio is a crime against humanity!
  7. This looks like a job for Jackson Galaxy of My Cat From Hell.
  8. Whoa, low overhead as in free protein? On the plus side, it’s fresh and locally sourced.
  9. Whatever it was, they are now living happily ever after ❤️
  10. Greta Garbo exhibiting another rare symptom of Sasquatch Syndrome 👨🏻‍⚕️
  11. Absolutely. I can cite a non-critical example. 4th of July was always a big event at the Presidio, which was an open post to the public. There would be a stage area sponsored by a local radio station with performances by bands and celebrities, followed by a fireworks show. One time while on the Military Police Desk, I answered a call from a local TV station. The person asked how many people were attending, so I put him on hold for a few minutes after telling him I’d check. I contacted a unit on scene who said “it’s huge, at least 60,000”. We on the desk looked at each other and said “No way!” We attributed his response to him being from Northern California near Oregon, where the population density is maybe 2 or 3 people per square mile, so a crowd here would look enormous. We asked another unit who replied “5,000”, which we also discounted to his being upset that he had to pull duty that day. So it was somewhere between 5,000 to 60,000, and the reporter was on hold. We went into action similar to what happened in this episode of “Taxi”, where Jim accidentally started a fire in Louie’s apartment, and Jim’s father offered to pay for it: We had to come up with a figure that sounded pretty good, but not too big to strain credibility. We settled on 25,000 and I told it to the reporter. Later on, we turned the TV we had in the back room to Channel 2, to see if they would report on the crowd size. Sure enough, they reported a crowd of 25,000. We cheered and gave each other high fives; us knuckleheads on the Desk pulled it off. They reported it on the news so it had to be true, right?
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