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About HiFlyer

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    Member - 10,000+
  • Birthday August 15

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    Out there......... Thataway!
  • Interests
    3D Art, Trains, Planes, Gurls, Cats, Books, Computers, more Cats....... Poking my nose in places dangerous to noses.....

    Trying one new thing every day.

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    I likes cats

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  1. Hmmmmm? It's a matter of risk. If it's deemed possibly too chancy for live astronauts, but there's still a possibility (even if a low one) for a return of the vehicle, then why not return the crew on the more proven SpaceX vehicle then attempt to retrieve the Boeing spacecraft remotely? After all, they can't just leave it floating around up there indefinitely. If at all possible they will want to have it back to examine at the very least There's also the obvious. If they chance a crew return and the vehicle is destroyed, then just like after the Challenger incident, the program will be stalled for years. If the crew is returned safely and only the vehicle is destroyed during a remote return, it's a public relations black eye, but probably a lower hit to the whole program, especially if expectations are managed. Also, Soviet craft have remotely returned to earth for decades. I would hope that US craft have at least a rudimentary capability to do the same in an emergency. EDIT: https://www.boeing.com/features/2024/04/the-boeing-starliner-wows
  2. Once the astronauts have been repatriated by other means, can the capsule be brought home remotely?
  3. Hmmmmm..... I posted this video earlier and the information link for the update, but it seems to have been deleted or hidden! https://forums.flightsimulator.com/t/release-world-update-xvii-united-kingdom-ireland-is-now-available/649755
  4. In early days. I mentioned to a developer friend that now that a modern technology popular sim was available, talented modders of the type that had formerly made addons in the Steam workshop for things like Cities Skylines and other games would likely become tempted to invest some of their considerable modeling (and other skills) in creating content, especially if there was money to be made. He disagreed on the likelihood..... But a few short years later Flightsim.to exists, and here we are.
  5. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prime_Computer ? 😮
  6. Internet providers often provide a free one, usually Mcafee or Norton. Barring that, I expect some to mention proudly that they use no Antivirus. 🤔
  7. Is your machine trying to run the sim via onboard graphics?
  8. FS4 Has advanced the sims capabilities significantly.......
  9. Quest 3 is on sale on Amazon.... https://www.amazon.com/Meta-Quest-128GB-Breakthrough-Reality-3/dp/B0C8VKH1ZH?th=1
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