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About HiFlyer

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    Out there......... Thataway!
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    3D Art, Trains, Planes, Gurls, Cats, Books, Computers, more Cats....... Poking my nose in places dangerous to noses.....

    Trying one new thing every day.

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    I likes cats

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  1. I know some have expressed a dislike for "canned" weather, but I like the ability to quickly choose what suits my mood and intent. Floyds has always been good, and nice to see 2024 compatibility added. https://flightsim.to/file/24251/floyd-s-epic-clouds
  2. I (think) I remember seeing a link for this here, but wanted a topic I could easily find again and check back on. https://fselite.net/microsoft-flight-simulator-2024-compatibility-list/
  3. Maybe it's just me... But i've read waaaaayyyy to much science fiction in which somebody relies on super-tech drones or remotely piloted fighters and gets the stuffing whomped out of them when an/the enemy learns how to jam the signal, an ongoing problem already on the Ukraine battlefront..... Or the type of thing exemplified by something I remember reading, God knows when.... "Superiority" is a science fiction short story by British writer Arthur C. Clarke, first published in 1951. It depicts an arms race during an interstellar war. It shows the side which is more technologically advanced being defeated, despite its apparent superiority, because of its willingness to discard old technology without having fully perfected the new. Meanwhile, the enemy steadily built up a far larger arsenal of weapons that while more primitive were also more reliable. The story was at one point required reading for an industrial design course at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology EDIT: “Soon after publication, ‘Superiority’ was inserted into the Engineering curriculum of MIT—to warn the graduates that the Better is often the enemy of the Good—and the Best can be the enemy of both, as it is always too late.” 2ND EDIT: Look whut' I found..... https://youtu.be/iTLPref3ke0?si=wqsjWIBSeTGnkqiW
  4. Actually this is of interest to me because I've been reading a lot about cybertrucks recently, even going so far as to watch a lot of reviews which are almost uniformly bad. I've been wondering for weeks what the attraction is, and with the facts on the ground is this really a guy that should be putting down anybody else? https://mashable.com/article/tesla-cybertruck-shutdown
  5. I almost posted this exact same observation on another forum, but I got too wordy and decided not to. 🙃
  6. Guy must have some really good flight controls. Wonder what type of system he's running....
  7. Yeah, its not like once upon a time when doing something like this would have taken forever
  8. The information about about clearing leftover bad data from the servers seemed logical.... Also: https://forums.flightsimulator.com/t/uninstall-msfs-2024-reinstall-recommendation/682153
  9. He probably needs to fix his rapidly depreciating Teslas before talking down anyone else..... 🙃
  10. 4 years ago, we couldn't even have dreamed of a sim that looked like this. What will we be flying 10 years from now?
  11. Missed this post for quite a while, it seems. Glad to hear you like it! It would suck to pay what they are asking and end up hating it. (I would feel responsible)
  12. Just a heads-up: After the 12/2/2024 MSFS 2020/2024 update, be sure to reinstall the latest DLSS file because otherwise the update will revert you to a previous DLSS version, with possibly less performance!
  13. Something desperately wrong on my end with the trees using this mod near LSZH. Can anyone confirm? EDIT: Ok, my bad, I removed the Bijan enhancement and, under Photogrammetry, the trees in the area are still completely messed up. Apparently Asobos fault. With Photogrammetry off, the area is much nicer.
  14. Too dark........ 😞
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