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About Maxis

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    Member - 1,000+
  • Birthday 06/19/1980

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    Fort Lauderdale, Florida
  • Interests
    Cycling, Custom PC's, Flightsim

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  1. If i read the FAQ correctly it should have something along those lines. The only thing unconfirmed i think is pause at TOD snipped from their FAQ Can I please ask if the A350 will come delivered with the ability to do auto step climbs during accelerated simulations? We intend to support auto step climbs and accelerated simulation. At this time, we can’t give a hard value to what level of acceleration will be supported as this can depend on how the final AP and auto flight system react.
  2. I'm also glad they stated that they were including FLS. That was a MAJOR feature that i was hoping to be included.
  3. Read it .. satisfied for now.. lets see how they follow through with their stated goals.
  4. I don't think that changes matters much. It doesn't really matter which of their development teams work on it ... they still have to demonstrate the systems fidelity to the real AC reliably. In any case. The modeling looks good i would hope the textures are not aged too much. This is a modern aircraft relatively speaking.
  5. I dunno.. the proof of the pudding is in the eating.. I love the A300 but they will have to step up two levels to replicate a full systems depth A350. That is going to be a tough task. Hopefully they do not disappoint. Eagerly awaiting for whats in store.
  6. Boo !!!!! I thought this was ready to be viewed immediately !! 😄
  7. Guilty !! Thanks for pointing that out. I will modify my rudder pedals accordingly to heel to the floor option when i get home ! Nice to learn something new when visiting the forums !
  8. It takes less than 15 secs to turn 1 setting in the menu on. Unless he’s sitting there with a copilot and relief pilot to take the controls when he or she needs to go to the loo or does not avail himself of the sim rate /pause at Tod features I don’t see how going to quickly change a setting in the menu is immersion breaking. speaking for myself only.. I’m sure the hardcore will think otherwise though. Anyways moot issue hopefully in the next day or so. Or he can obtain addon scenery if necessary.
  9. So I would think the next step since you’re flying in or around the New York area and not in London is to simply switch photogrammetry back on right?
  10. Oh well.. part of the sim. First time ive seen anyone complain about New Yorks photogrammetry. London , Paris version one and Toronto/Vancouver version one sure but if you’re that against running photogrammetry then expect some consequences. Dont want to compromise? Ok I’m sure the other two sim platforms may work for you.
  11. Possibly more cost effective but not ideal in my opinion. Major applications (The main usually large program and related apps you purchased or built the PC for) i prefer to treat and recommend to be set in in a modular fashion. If your single NVME fails whatever you had divided up on your partitions and its contents are all gone because they were all on that one piece of hardware. When everything is separate hardware wise its easier to diagnose the issue and replace. Example. Your OS nvme fails and your system wont boot you still have the sim data saved on the other working NVME and vice versa. I would only recommend using one NVME and doing partitions if there is a cost restriction at the moment or there is a physical hardware limitation on your motherboard.
  12. Plan to have both installed until a certain level of stability is established. My motherboard has three NVME slots so ill just get a 2TB nvme dedicated to MSFS 2024 and install to that one. When i notice i have not used msfs2020 in a few months ill just back up the files from its NVME and uninstall.
  13. So for the Nvme I like to separate my OS drive from the Sim drive. So presently ive got a 512GB NVME for the OS and a 1 TB nvme for the Sim. Now ... after almost 4 years and getting pretty much all world and city updates plus AIG AI/PMDG AC/ FENIX AC/ Inibuilds AC but no addon scenery i am over half of my 1 TB drive. So. If you plan to use additional programs like MS Office / Photoshop and standard applications that will reside on the same drive as the OS. Then i would get the 1 tb as you stated. I would also get a 2 TB drive just for MSFS and its addons. You can use your older SSD from your old build as cold storage.
  14. Looks great !! Just a few things .. Pay attention to the timings. DDR 5 6000 is great but you also should be looking for CL 30 timings. And yes as @Ixoye stated. Your safest bet is getting EXPO rated memory. I would also suggest maybe upping the Power supply to 850 - GOLD. If you cant swing the upgrade in watts then at least get a GOLD 750 watt PSU. The 4070 TI Super is the card that fits perfectly in that 1440P zone so you've nailed that selection as well. I myself upgraded my PC core components this weekend (5900x to 7800 X3D) and its nice to see the sim being able to handle the large airports with AI almost to the max in ultra settings. Enjoy your journey !
  15. Hmm i guess all those "effects" come at some cost. I had the same issue. A couple months ago i think last year AIG introduced effects on their AI aircraft. While a few of those effects are ok some of them definitely cost a few frames .. which i would rather not part with. Had to delete them . ( I can do without APU exhaust and engine heat blur effects on AI aircraft). If someone from AIG sees this it would be nice to have the option to add or remove these effects as needed within the GUI. (I ended up deleting the worst offending effects files to get my 3-5 fps back). Sounds like those packaged effects recently released for sale is having a similar impact. For me decent frame rates and low frame times are too precious to part with for this kind of stuff. But then again i can only speak for myself i am sure some others will find the value in having them loaded and is prepared to take the hit on frame rates.
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