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  1. If you get FStarter24, you can easily find and instantly fly over any MSFS POI in all World Updates with just a mouse click.
  2. You can find all MSFS POI in a very easy way if you get the very good FStarter24 app. Just click one of the POI markers on the FStarter24 and you are on the right location for looking closer on the POI.
  3. Just downloaded the updated FStarter24 that now has SimBrief flight plans integration to its map. Now we can load flightplans to the FStarter24 map and start a new flight at any flight plan waypoint with just a mouse click.
  4. I have some questions related to MSFS2020 vs MSFS2024. 1. Can both platforms (MSFS2020 / MSFS2024) be installed and used on the same PC and why should I keep MSFS2020 if I get MSFS2024? 2. When using MSFS2024, which MSFS2020 platform features/functions will I miss, if anything? 3. Can I use Free Flight in MSFS2024(pick an airplane, load simbrief data and fly the route to a destination) and what will I miss from MSFS2020? 4. If all MSFS2020 platform features/functions are ported over to MSFS2024 + MSFS2024 improvements, why do I still need MSFS2020? 5. Will new updates to MSFS over the next 4 years as announced also be added to MSFS2024?
  5. If you get FStarter24 from simmarket.com you can change the starting position + a lot of other settings.
  6. XPLANE, DCS, P3D all have FlyBy view for years, but not MSFS, nor will MSFS2024 from have it in first release. As we do not have the view of an airplane moving in the sky in MSFS, but only have the earth moving, MSFS is rather an earth simulator than a flight simulator. There is really no sense of speed of an airplane in MSFS.
  7. I now use FlightSave for saving and loading all my flights in MSFS2020. This handy app will let you save any flight and set a marker on its map. Loading flights are easlly done by just clciking a marker on the map. It comes with an autosave functions and is ideal when you want to refly some parts of your old flights. Works with all airplanes.
  8. Nice features, but I use FStarter24 where I can save flight situations on a map with image and later selecteted any of them from the map. It is ideal to find all you saved flight and refly when you have time. ++ a lot of other features
  9. I use FStarter for approaches. Easy to use and cheap at simmarket.com
  10. I use FStarter. All bespoke airports and both official and users POIs can be seen on map and spawn to. Plus a lot of other features.
  11. I have had mine for 2 years. When everything was working, I was satisfied. BUT, the quality of the wirings to the buttons are poor. 2 of the buttons on the throttle levers (TOGA and left reverser) do not work anymore. See also video of simular issues:
  12. I use FStarter to find small airports to check out. It is so easy to find those small airfields that you though didn't exist.
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