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About Treetops45

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  1. Thanks Ron. Out of BBP's , can I borrow one of your tutus?😀 T45
  2. Would like to get the C414 updated & out of the hangar. Could someone kindly advise what the latest version is, & if the Anti Virus interfering with D/Load & install issues have been fixed? Thanks T45
  3. Currently flying the Emerald Harbor Air B307 & trying to find if it has cowl flaps, & if so, where you set them. From what I can ascertain, IRL, some airlines, possibly TWA, had them, & others didn't. Anyone know the status of cowl flaps on the MSFS B307? T45
  4. That worked, thank you. What happened is that I had a small update come through & I added a new aircraft, & somewhere in all of that all my "Assistance" settings were turned "On". & I had to go through them & take them back to "Hard" or "Off", which turned off the ATC Enforce you referred to. T45
  5. I'll try that. May be something that happened after SU15. T45
  6. I have my aircraft set to hot start from the Departure Runway that I choose in MSFS Scenario set Up. However, lately, without exception, the aircraft are spawning at the opposite end of the chosen runway. I just set up a flight from Alicante (LEAL), to depart from Rwy 28, but it has spawned at Rwy 10. This is occurring across different aircraft & airports. Is there a setting somewhere I have reversed? T45
  7. For purchasing from scratch, is there a correct order of steps that need to be taken to install it? I saw somewhere something about an "Installation Manager" & I am not sure at what point that fits into the installation process? T45
  8. From what I have been told, they take C Cards & Paypal T45
  9. Well! Checked the site page & there was the MD-11 waiting to be purchased. 1 key stroke & I was bounced out to 1 hour 30 minute wait!😀 Unfortunate dogs breakfast launch. T45
  10. I went to logon to the TFDi Design website a couple of hours ago & was put in a 'queue' to access the site, with a wait of 3 hours 21 minutes that is now down to 40 minutes, so things are improving. What forms of payment do they take? T45
  11. I see those. Thanks Perhaps someone who is an early adopter could tell us what liveries came with their purchase? T45
  12. Anyone know which liveries will be released 7/2/24, with the Freight & Passenger versions? T45
  13. Is there anywhere yet a description of the working NAV functionality that is supplied with the aircraft? T45
  14. I have a query regarding 2 aspects of the PMDG 777's operation - can the VNAV be set up with a profile that the aircraft will follow, for say, a 10 hour flight, & the same query re a speed profile? T45
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