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Nuno Pinto

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About Nuno Pinto

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  1. These guys are definitely up there, one of the best devs we currently have for MSFS.
  2. Just turn off FG. You have a 4080 which will run the sim at 60fps easy peasy. Also, get rid of DLSS, it's a low quality alternative to the awesome TAA. I wouldn't use low latency mode in ULTRA, just enabled, but that's me. My advice: Get a GSYNC / FREESYNC monitor, your experience will increase tenfold with that VSYNC off afterwards.
  3. Yeah uh.... this 🙂
  4. When there's nothing else to pick on, let's pick on panel gaps. For God's sake! Go discuss this with Tesla, and people still buy their cars!
  5. I'm just happy France is out of the way. And not because they beat us, we did play like #$("/%")?#/M). Some players just don't know when to leave, causing more damage than helping. It's supposed to be a TEAM, right? Oh well, GO SPAIN! 🤣
  6. You meant Nederlands vs England right?
  7. Awesome pictures. You should maybe take a look at the Lufthansa WOW package available in flightsim.to also with some improved textures while TFDi addresses that problem also.
  8. Gorgeous. If it works as good as their previous models, i'm sold. Before you all call me nuts, i never ever had any issues with the A310 or with the A306. Or lack of performance with their addons - Happy to receive some more.
  9. Not that the A300 is bad, but it's more on the 777 side. Needs clear polishing in the texture department and in the details department... The EFB has terrible fonts and terrible font sizes. It cannot be shutdown, and config has to be set independently for all liveries, there's no "one for all". The EFB cannot be removed (minor drag but useful). The yokes cannot be lowered (again, minor but useful). So, nothing major up until now, it flies really well except for feeling way too light for a 200T+ trijet. You can pull it like a cessna fully loaded - Does the actual MD-11 behave as such, can any MD-11 pilot/ex-pilot give some input on this?
  10. It literally flies. More on the PMDG side than Fenix, definitely even if i have no issues with Fenix's models.
  11. Yeah i didn't, sorry about that. I have no idea since i would never use that, i didn't even bother to check.
  12. Of course. The MD-11 is fully automated and gorgeous to fly.
  13. Great timing. My favorite airliner finally released after ~3 years and MS once again disappoints locking it behind a login wall. And they want me to buy another version to experience the exact same.
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