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About Tuskin38

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  1. Some buildings will always look melted. There’s no way around that. Did you download the world update from the marketplace?
  2. Jorg said in the last Q&A that the local legends/feature flyers aren’t meant to be super high quality.
  3. There's a screenshot of the A319 in the launcher files
  4. some download servers are really slow and can appear to lock up.
  5. There's also an option in the ai manager to reduce those to 2k.
  6. This update wasn't mandatory, what are you talking about?
  7. new installer layout reminds me of the FBW one.
  8. That's what one of the ini developers said on Discord, they have to use the WASM Sim API. It's specifically the Nav Data API they said, not everything in the aircraft. The one example I saw is if there's a mismatch between the scenery runway number and the runway number in the nav data, procedures for that runway won't show up in the flight computer.
  9. There's nothing they can do about it, it's an issue with the data provider not them. I can't find any reason why they don't use external data. I'd assume it's so people aren't forced to subscribe to stay up to date, but that's a guess.
  10. The A350 shouldn't have some of the same nav issues that ini A320V2 has when it comes to Navdata. Some A320 V2 issues are related to the WASM API, and ini were forced to use WASM on the Neo because it's a default aircraft. For example some approaches into NZCH appear fine on the Javascript API, but won't appear on the WASM API. The ATR has the same problem because it uses WASM. It won't solve all issues though, as they're still using the in sim API instead of external data. It does load the navigraph data from the community folder if you do have it installed.
  11. whoops, fixed Anyways, also read what lwt1971 said in response to you. The simulator is used to supplement what they already know, it's not their only source, they have multiple. And how would you know those inaccuracies if you've never flown the plane yourself?
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